Is There A Mrs Barrow?

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January 24th 1920

Thomas stepped off the train and onto the platform. It had been many years since he had been to Manchester, his hometown, and it felt strange. Stranger though was that towards him walked Matthew Crawley, with his dazzling smile and twinkling eyes. Of course they had sat in different carts during the train ride since it would not have been proper for a valet to ride with his employer. Now, however, they were free — to a certain extent. Thomas adjusted his hat and buttoned his coat up fully. Matthew stopped next to him and they both exchanged looks of relief. Now it was just the two of them and a hotel waiting.

"Let's get a taxi to the hotel" Matthew said and then shook his head when Thomas, on instinct, reached out to grab the suitcase from him.

"That's right..." Thomas said as he remembered that, during this time, he was not a valet. He wasn't expected to carry anything for Matthew, dress Matthew — do anything for Matthew as a member of staff. They could be as normal as they could be. Of course they could not link arms together or kiss in the street, but this was freedom to them. They walked with each other, side by side, perhaps a little bit too close, but they could not help how they gravitated towards each other. Both of them just wanted to devour each other, hold each other, lay together — Manchester was their France for the weekend.

Thomas inhaled the Manchester air for the first time since had left the city for Downton. A decade ago he had left this place and all it held without looking back. But, with Matthew by his side, he could find his strength and show him the places of his youth. Matthew gave Thomas an encouraging nod and they put their suitcases into a taxi and climbed into the back. All barriers and classes were gone and left were two men madly in love. Their hands were placed upon the space between them on the seat; their fingers innocently brushed together with every bump of the car. They both looked out the window, away from each other, but with expressions of content.

Soon they were at the hotel and, to Thomas' eyes, it was rather grand. It must also be new, for he couldn't remember it from his youth — not that he had spent much time in these neighbourhoods — but sometimes he had wandered and dreamt of a life different from what he had. They walked through the doors and took off their hats. Thomas followed Matthew to the reception counter.

"Good day — " Matthew said and took off his gloves, searching for his wallet in the inside pocket of his coat. " — I have two rooms booked under Matthew Crawley, one for me and one for my business associate."

A bellboy came and took their bags and soon enough they were shown to their rooms — right next door to each other. Thomas was eager to just be with Matthew and, as soon as he was alone in his room, he reached for the handle of the door to go knock on his lover's door. But then he saw another door — one that joined their rooms together. He smirked and thought his lover was quite brilliant and then, with rushed steps, he walked towards it and straight into Matthew's room.

"My darling," Matthew said and locked the door to his room. Thomas did the same, to the joint door, and then they walked over to each other. Matthew took Thomas' face in his hands, Thomas wrapped his arms around Matthew's waist, and then they kissed. Their bodies pressed together so close and their tongues were in desperate need of each other's flavours. They both moaned softly and felt so utterly content. It was the sweetest feeling — being just the two of them. They were without fear of a Crawley knocking on the door. It was wonderful to not have to look over your shoulder.

Thomas, who had been the instigator of last night's teasing, now felt the effect of it himself. It had been too long since he had laid with Matthew and his heart was yearning.

Matthew felt the same and, with their lips still locked together, he pushed Thomas' coat off. They removed clothing after clothing and then they kicked their shoes off. It was them, the two of them, and nothing else. Their love seeped out from their skin and embraced them in protection from the world.

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