Convince me again

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Downton Abbey,
End of July, 1920

Matthew was sitting by his desk in the dim light from the lamp. His mind was infuriatingly exhausted as he looked over the papers and wrote down notes of fixes and ideas for the estate. The meeting with Jarvis had ended with a twist Matthew had not foreseen; the agent had resigned. Despite all the pushbacks it had not been Matthew's intent to offend the man so badly that he wished to leave running the estate; but in hindsight Matthew saw how his words had been exceptionally harsh. So now he was trying to find a solution, all by himself, and it was easier said than done.

Matthew checked the time on the wrist watch given to him by John and Harvey; the hour was late. He knew he was supposed to ring for Thomas but he could not think about anything but the estate, despite his eyelids feeling heavy and his head spinning. Could he find another agent? But who would it be? Matthew could not do this on his own; and he was on his own. Mary had sought out to learn more about managing the estate but it would still be awhile until she knew all the ins-and-outs. Robert was of no help, no use.

Matthew blinked slowly and then he rubbed his eyes before resting his head in his palm.

His eyelids closed again.

And again...

And again...

Thomas awoke early in the morning and he did not bother going down for breakfast. He was concerned because Matthew had not rung for him. Normally they would make plans for Thomas to sneak into his room late at night as he undressed him after dinner; but last night he had not even been called up for that. He passed Mrs Hughes in the hallway and gave her a nod; she returned it with a smile and then he hurried forth to his lover's room.

He knocked; no answer.

He knocked again; still nothing.

Thomas opened the door and he frowned at first but then he let out a sigh and a smile formed on his lips from the sight in front of him. Matthew was sound asleep, drooling slightly, over a stack of papers by his desk. So this had been the reason why he had not rung the bell for Thomas.

The valet closed the door, crossed the room, and kneeled down next to his lover. He gently brushed the blonde hairs from his face and wiped the saliva from his chin. It was an adorable sight.

"Matthew, darling?" Thomas whispered and gently touched his shoulder.

With a startled noise Matthew sat up and awoke. He blinked in confusion; his eyes had not completely focused yet and a piece of paper was stuck to the side of his face. Matthew pinched the bridge of his nose and let out a throaty grunt.

"Thomas? What time is it?" He asked.

"It's the early morning, my love, and it seems as if you have slept with your head on the desk throughout the night." Thomas replied and removed the piece of paper from Matthew's cheek and gave it a gentle kiss. "How lucky that the ink dried before you collapsed on your notes, otherwise you would have ink on your face again."

Matthew smiled a little and let out a sigh as he rose to his feet. "I am sorry darling, I was too caught up in work —"

" — I figured as I saw you when I walked in, so I assume that the meeting yesterday did not go well?" Thomas asked.

Matthew shook his head and collapsed onto the bed on his back with a groan of frustration. "Jarvis quit, so now I have to do it all on my own; I am the one who has to make it all work." He said and then sat up, reaching his hand out for Thomas. "Come here."

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