Crisis About Turning 35

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Downton Abbey,
July 1920

Matthew ran his hand over his face and watched Jarvis and Lord Grantham leave the library. His frustrations had boiled over and, though he regretted raising his voice, he did not regret the sentiment behind his words. It was like trying to break a brick wall with your bare fists. Matthew would not give up, but he was far too riled up at the moment to continue work. He took a deep breath and looked out the window at the greenery outside. Perhaps he could take Thomas to the meadows again, to get away from Downton — even if just for the afternoon.

"Mr Crawley." Mr Carson said as he entered the room. "Telephone call for you."

"Thank you Mr Carson" Matthew said and with a sigh he turned his heel and walked towards the telephone in the entrance hall.

"Matthew!" John's voice came through the speaker. "How are you over there in your grand house?"

Matthew let out a chuckle and pinched the bridge of his nose "It's a house with a lot of grand opinions and battles."

"Seems like you need a break, does it not?" John said and then Matthew heard Harvey shout; 'Manchester awaits, my friend!'

"Yes Harvey, I'm about to get there — " John shushed Harvey " — with your birthday coming up tomorrow, if it's not too short of a notice, what do you say about celebrating it here with two of your oldest friends?"

Matthew felt a great relief from hearing this. It would be rude to decline an invite and it was a perfect excuse. Besides, Sybbie's baptism was not until after the weekend so he would not miss it.

"I would be delighted." Matthew accepted.

"Perfect, you shall come and stay in my abode — and bring your valet." John said and Matthew could basically hear the smirk in his voice. "You need to be dressed appropriately for the festivities that will take place."

"I shall make sure to bring him — it is very short notice but we shall catch the train tomorrow" Matthew said "Good day, John — give my regards to Harvey lurking in the background."

He put the receiver back down and spun around on the spot to march up the stairs and ring for Thomas to join him in his room. But he was met with Mr Carson who had, unknowingly to Matthew, been standing there.

"Taking a trip, Mr Crawley?" Carson asked and raised his eyebrow "And Mr Barrow is coming with you?"

"Yes, Mr Carson — I have been invited by my dear friends to Manchester for my birthday, and since you are here — could you call for Thomas to come to my room?" Matthew said and then his eyes went wide from his slip up.

"Thomas, Mr Crawley?" Mr Carson said and stared at Matthew.

"Mr Barrow, I mean — oh for heaven's sake, will you just send for him?" Matthew grunted.

"Mr Barrow is currently in the village with James, I was under the impression he had been given the afternoon off by you." Mr Carson said sternly with a disapproving look.

"Oh — " Matthew said and didn't try to sound as surprised as he was " — well yes, I completely forgot, he will have to pack my suitcases during supper then." He said and then retreated to his room regardless with an uncomfortable feeling in his stomach. Why had Thomas taken the afternoon off without telling him? And why had he taken Jimmy to the village?

There it was again, that ghastly and unwanted feeling of jealousy. Matthew didn't know how many times Thomas had to reassure him that he would never cast him away, especially not for Jimmy — and further more, Jimmy clearly was not like him and Thomas. Thomas had told him about O'Brien and her plan, and how he had told her that he held no interest in the footman.

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