The Downfall Of Thomas Barrow

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Downton Abbey,
August 1920

Thomas awoke with a smile upon his normally stern face and he was glad to do so because it had been quite a strange time as of late. Jimmy had not uttered a single word to him in a while and Alfred had given him even nastier glares than before. Not only that, but Matthew had been busy with the estate and forming a plan to expand the pig farming which meant their stolen moments had been few, but at least they have had their late nights of being wrapped up together in peaceful sleep, and nothing else — his poor Matthew has been far too exhausted for anything else.

But today was his birthday, a day he so often had dreaded but not now for he was finally spending it with the man he loved. He had been told to get ready for a minor jailbreak from Downton, a little appetiser of what November would bring.

Thomas walked downstairs and he was greeted by a teacup and a kiss to the cheek by Mrs Hughes by the stairs.

"Happy Birthday, Mr Barrow" She said with a kind smile to the man she cherished like the son she never had.

"Thank you Mrs Hughes." Thomas said with a slight blush "but don't let the entire staff know."

Mrs Hughes rolled her eyes but gave him a pat to the cheek "of course not, Mr Barrow." Then she vanished down the hallway to the servant's hall with Thomas in tow.

Thomas didn't even bother to acknowledge Jimmy, nor the stares from Alfred. He did not have the energy to waste on it. If Jimmy had an issue he would have to talk to Thomas about it and Alfred, well, he was but an oaf to him that he usually didn't waste energy on regardless — so ignoring him was an easy task.

Then the sweet sound came, the sound of the bell from Matthew's room. Thomas heard them every day and every day his heart skipped a beat from what the sound would bring him; his perfection, his Matthew. Thomas left his half eaten breakfast and scurried towards the man who was the very fire within him.

Thomas literally burst into the room and within seconds his arms were wrapped around Matthew's waist. He pulled them together roughly and brought their lips together in a kiss to steal the very air from Matthew's lungs — and he succeeded in that.

When they pulled away Matthew let out a quiet laugh and he rested their foreheads together. "Hello to you as well, Mr Barrow."

Thomas just grinned and nudged their noses together "I'm dead buzzin' today."

"As one should be on their birthday." Matthew said and he ran his hand up Thomas' chest and he gave his tie a gentle tug "and I don't want to dampen your mood but there is a slight change of plans."

"Oh?" Thomas raised his eyebrow. He didn't know what the original plan had been so he didn't know how to react to Matthew's announcement.

"I was planning on telling you last night but my head was so weary and so utterly comfortable resting upon your chest that it slipped from my thoughts — " Matthew inhaled and smiled as the scent of Thomas greeting his nostrils.

"Buttering me up before bad news, are we Mr Crawley?" Thomas teased and clicked his tongue "tsk tsk, this must be terrible then."

"No, I'm simply complimenting how my lover affects me." Matthew's smile then faded slightly "I had planned for us to stay in York, that I was having dinner with suppliers and sellers of cattle for the estate."

"And what made those plans change?"

"Cousin Robert and Cousin Violet." Matthew said and his jaw clenched "Mostly Cousin Violet if I'm perfectly honest."

"What did Old Lady Grantham do this time?" Thomas said, almost amused to hear what she had brewed up now.

Matthew furrowed his eyebrows and spoke through gritted teeth "She thought it was time for a dinner party to take place within these walls again."

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