Mr Barrow Prefers Them Blonde

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Downton Abbey,
April 1920

"Lady Sybil!" Mr Carson said in shock and stood up from where he sat, as did the rest of the servants.

"I am frightfully sorry to interrupt you all — Thomas!" She said happily and hurried over to the valet and gave him a great hug " — dear friend, just the face I was looking for."

Mr Carson looked like the vein in his forehead was about to pop, Mrs Hughes let out a quiet laugh, and the other servants looked around uncomfortably.

"Sybil, it is so good to see you again." Thomas said and Mr Carson coughed loudly.

" Lady Sybil, Mr Barrow." He corrected the valet but Sybil shook her head.

"There's no need for that between old friends." She smiled and locked arms with Thomas and led him out towards the back, through the servants' entrance.

Mr Carson gravelled as he sat down. He muttered into his teacup about Ireland and how Thomas should show more respect.

Mrs Hughes patted the butler's hand and said "There, there, Mr Carson — Lady Sybil is not like the others now, is she?"

Jimmy leaned over to O'Brien with furrowed eyebrows "I'm confused, why is Lady Sybil so casual with Mr Barrow? I thought she was married."

O'Brien snorted and shook her head "They worked together in the hospital during the war, that's all James — besides, Mr Barrow prefers them blonde" She said with a smirk.

Mrs Hughes caught O'Brien's words and gave her an uneasy stare — did this scheming woman know something she shouldn't?

"Oh it's marvellous Thomas!" Sybil exclaimed where they sat together on a couple of crates by the wall. "I am Mrs Branson and no more Lady this, Lady that — I feel so free."

"And with a little Sybil on the way" Thomas smiled at his friend that he had missed dearly.

Sybil smiled and caressed her stomach before throwing Thomas a glance. "And you have been busy, you have not written to me since you told me about what happened at the servants' ball!"

Thomas couldn't hide his smugness and a smirk appeared on his lips as he pushed back his hair "It's been quite a handful lately, in the very best of ways."

Sybil reached out and gave Thomas' hand a squeeze "I have never been happier for you, and Matthew, I was afraid he would walk down the aisle—" She then went quiet as she realised how her words sounded. " — I meant, I am sad how it happened, of course, and — "

"It's alright Sybil, I know what you mean — but I don't think Matthew would have done it." Thomas confessed.

"How do you know?" She asked.

"I just know, after the moment we had in the entrance hall — and I wish that is how it had happened." Thomas said with a small frown. "But let us not talk about those times, I cannot relive them again — how about I tell you about Manchester instead?"

"Manchester?" Sybil said with intrigue and proceeded to listen to Thomas' tale of how he and Matthew managed to escape away from Downton and the events of their trip.

They sat out there for far too long and they didn't even notice until Tom walked around the wall. "Sybil? I thought I'd find you here — it's late into the night."

"Pardon me, darling—" She said and stood up to say goodnight to Thomas " — time is often lost when two friends are catching up on all that they have missed."

"Goodnight Sybil" Thomas said and then looked at Tom "Goodnight to you as well, Mr Branson."

"Oh come on, Thomas — we know far too much about each other for such pleasantries" The former chauffeur said and wrapped his arm around Sybil's shoulder. "Did you tell him?" He asked his wife.

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