You Know Darling, It's Impossible.

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Downton Abbey.
Last of July, 1920

The sun stood high in the sky and the spirits were even higher in the village upon this day. Everyone knew that the Crawleys' were to attend the fairgrounds. Only glimpses had been seen of Lord and Lady Grantham since Sybil's passing — so the villagers were excited to see the Earl and his wife again.

But it was hard to compete with the spirit of Thomas Barrow who was still soaring on a cloud since he and Matthew had returned from Manchester. Today his mood was exceptionally high and it was noted amongst the servants as they finished their tasks for the morning and prepared to get ready to make the walk down to the village.

The maids, with the exception of Maud, gave the valet strange looks behind his back and whispered to each other.

"Makes one uneasy, it does."

"When Mr Barrow is smiling it gives me chills and not the good kind."

"I hope he is not pla—"

There was a loud cough behind the two maids. They slowly turned around and where they were met with the stern face of Mrs Hughes who glared warningly at them.

"If you still wish to visit the fair today I suggest you stop speaking ill of a member of staff, especially the valet of the future lordship." Mrs Hughes said with an agitated tone "If not, I can find plenty of laundry that needs re-washing."

"Sorry Mrs Hughes...."

"Won't happen again Mrs Hughes..."

The maids scurried away as fast as they could with their heads hung low to not meet the wrathful gaze of Mrs Hughes.

Mrs Hughes adjusted the skirt of her dress and she walked away, still bearing the scowl upon her face. It was so infuriating, to her, when they gossiped about Thomas. She wished for his happiness to be kept and for him to continue doing well, because she — unlike everyone else — knew how deeply the valet deserved to feel joy.

Mrs Hughes walked down to the servants quarters where most were already ready to take their leave for the fair.

"Changed your mind, have you Mrs Hughes?" Thomas said, almost sounding hopeful.

"I'm afraid not, Mr Barrow, I will keep an eye on the house with Mr Carson." She answered and offered Thomas a smile.

"Or keep an eye on him?" Thomas said with a cheeky grin that made Mrs Hughes give the back of his head a gentle smack.

"Careful there, lad, you might be a valet but keep your cheek to yourself." She warned him and she tried to hide the smile on her lips.

"You have a pleasant afternoon Mrs Hughes — with Mr Carson." Thomas gave her a wink before hurrying towards James and the door before Mrs Hughes could give him another smack to the head.

Mrs Hughes shook her head and watched Thomas fondly as he left but then her eyes darted to O'Brien, who stood by the door with her eyes following Thomas and James as well. Mrs Hughes did not like the look upon her face. Not one bit — it gave the head housekeeper a terrible feeling in her gut.

"Feeling alright, Miss O'Brien?" She asked the lady's maid.

"Oh yes, thank you Mrs Hughes — everything is just fine." O'Brien replied but Mrs Hughes could see the attempt to hide a smirk.

Mrs Hughes had no grounds for her uneasy feeling but it would linger with her throughout the day. She had never trusted O'Brien and even less so when Thomas had told her about O'Brien's plan to make Thomas believe that James had feelings for him.

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