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"H- he d- drinks blood, omg, he drank my blood, h- he? What is h- he?". Jimin looked the baby with wide eyes, and the couple looked really shock.

Hoseok took the baby from jimin,  he walk away from the his husband and younger "You will not harm the baby, even he drinks blood you are not going to hurt him". Hoseok glared.

"Why will i do that hyung—, it's my baby i- I'll take care of him". Jimin said in serious tone, he tried to took the baby from hoseok but he back away, his eye were wide and teary.

"Seokie~, he is not a human, and you know the world he can't— we can't let him live it is dangerous". Yoongi said, he had a metal rod in his hand, which he carries with him.

Yes, he knew his husband will disagree with this, why will he not he is demon hunter, hunting demons in night is yoongi's job this world where demons and humans live together not together, means in one world.
And the world is divided in two humans and demons. Yoongi has lots of hate for demons.

They never intersect eachother part till, last king of demon but after he died some mean, bastards demons cross the line and came to the human world.
To rule the human world but humans didn't let them, jimin's great grandparents and many other made a organisation, with 16 groups and yoongi is the leader of first group "DH. F".

"No, stay away hyung my baby he is mine, don't touch him or I'll—". Jimin yelled coming front of hoseok who was holding the baby really closely to his chest.

Yoongi looked shocked just for a demon his husband and his bestfriend trying to fight him, just for a demon "you will what? Jimin- ah, he is a demon, he is dangerous demons killed my family and yours, hoseok's only sister killed by them, we have to kill him, before it get out from our hand". Yoongi said pushing jimin out of the way and glared at the hoseok with anger.

"Baby, he just a baby every demon are not bad, he didn't do any wrong to us". Hoseok said, backing away from yoongi while he looked at jimin with tears.

Yoongi didn't listened him, he just wanted to kill the demon so his family be safe from them.
"What if he will do in future? I don't wanna say, what if he will harm our kids". Yoongi said, he tried to snatch the baby but the little demon started to fly, while giggling.

"This kid grew in 1 minute, how this possible? How can he? Do that—". Jimin said loudly he looked at the baby, who flying and giggling in air and landed on jimin's arm with smile, he was newborn a second ago and he looks like a one year now.

Yoongi gulped looking at the cute demon kid, it's true the baby was demon but..... Its but he can't kill him, no he is not demon a part of  him yelled at himself to stop the stupid idea and he sighed "Ok, jimin but we have to hide this that the baby is demon".

"Yes, i think he grew fast so maybe after he grown up at the age of soobin, stay here with him and tell him what to do? Or not, teach him, make him like a human". Hoseok said, taking the baby from jimin, caressing his cheeks he made baby giggle.

Yoongi looked away, he wanted to carry the baby too but he tried to kill him "First name him, and than do something else". Yoongi said not looking at them.

"Hyung, it's ok we know you were scared and i know, you want to carry him too". Jimin said, smiling hugging yoongi so he don't feel guilt about that.

Hoseok took the opportunity and gave the baby to yoongi who looked suprised when baby touched his cheeks "His hands are so small and soft, do you like uncle yoongi namjoon baby?".

"Namjoon? Did you just named him hyung". Jimin asked smiling and Hoseok, side hugged his husband with happiness.

Yoongi blushed not looking at them, and started to talk with baby demon in baby tone "Do you like the name, joon- ah?".
Baby giggled loudly making all three smile big.

"He did like that hyung". Jimin said, and other two noded with happiness. "If he grew this fast i think in one month, he will be at the age of soobin".

"He will, and think is every demon has his own power do you think, he will have one—". Yoongi said now sleepy joon, who was smiling in his dream.

Jimin looked at yoongi with frown, he doesn't know that but he will investigate. "I don't know, i don't even know anything about demons". Jimin said sighing.

"I'll send you some books, read that first you have to what kind of demon he is—, what he eats and what he drinks, how he works? How many hours, day, month or years takes to grow up". Yoongi said, and Hoseok noded along with Jimin.

Hoseok saw jimin was worried and scared, not scared of namjoon but scared of humans.
"And I'll come to help you, till yoongi will take care of my three little demons". And he laughed, when yoongi looked terrified.

"Thank you hyungs". Jimin said smiling at them "So, i am daddy now, wow i have kid".

"Daddy?— yaa, just like I'm hoseok's daddy haha!".yoongi said laughing loudly enough to wake the poor baby.

"MIN YOONGI, YOU WOKE THE BABY UP ". And both his father and uncle yelled at the yoongi uncle, and baby started to giggle again.

To be continued......

Hey babies, did you miss mommy?

So, the think is I'm going to the boarding school just because my fees are going to paid my brother. 😥😥😥
And, I'm fucking scared to go.


 I adopted a demon kid Where stories live. Discover now