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Yoongi rang the bell, rain was pouring heavy. Yoongi was injured, last week when he fought a demon which are red alerts. The work yoongi do is every dangerous. He can't hear his surroundings carefully just because of rain, but he was aware what's coming from deep inside the woods, A demon. Maybe the demon smelled his blood when he reached jimin's  home getting wet. But before he and demon encountered, jimin pulled him inside with smile.

"Don't worry he will not attack us, because joon is here— hyung there is something i wanna tell you about joon". Jimin said, giving yoongi a towel so he can dry himself.

Yoongi looked at curiously, than he smiled looking at joon who was trying to walk but he can't even stand properly "What is it? Did you find, what kind of demon he is?".

"Actually no, it's—".

Three day ago when hoseok, jimin and joon get inside the woods for some fun, they picked some wild berries. A demon came making them scare, they tried to ran away from there while running jimin slipped in muddy mud he sprained his legs. Hoseok panted trying to pull jimin, while joon in his arms

"Hyung run away, go back to the house". Jimin whispered with pain voice.

Hoseok shaked his head "No, no let's go jimin, we have still time let's run away together. Joon needs you, get up".

"Hyung— i can't, i think my leg is sprained". Jimin said gulping, he looked at joon who was giggling all the time."NO—, RUN HYUNG RUN". Jimin yelled when he saw not much taller demon, It was almost as tall as a coconut tree.

Demon looked at them, slowly coming towards them he extended his hands towards hoseok, who was freezed at his place but joon was giggling, jimin was also freeze he never saw a demon from this close it feared him, everything is going to end again he will be alone. No, no he tried to move but he can't move.
Joon smiled at demon, who stopped at his place. Demon gulped making them, look at him.
Namjoon giggled calling demon, with his little hand. The ugly demon came forward he stand on his knees looking at small kid in human's hand.

"mestari, olen pahoillani". Demon said, and joon just smiled at him. He waved at the demon, who get back from where he was.

"So—, you are saying the demon followed joon's order or it was coincidence". Yoongi asked sipping on his tea, they were sitting on couch while joon was playing with some toys of his.

Jimin noded looking at the joon "After that no demon came here, or approached the demon so closely to my house".

"What did demon said—, did you understood any of his word". Yoongi asked curiously, he wanted to know about them more so he can understand the demons nature more.

Joon crawled towards yoongi putting his small hand on yoongi's injured arm, the wound disappeared shocking yoongi "How did you d- do that, what type of demon are you joon- ah?". Yoongi asked with wide eyes, while jimin looked confused and joon just giggled.

"Oonie' bo' o' dada". Joon babbled  something nonsense making yoongi kiss his round cheeks.

"Maybe you should come to the city my bro, so we can find something about this dumpling here—". Yoongi said pointing on joon, who chew yoongi's long leash of his hoodie.

Jimin noded "What about joon than—".

"Hoseok will take care of him, we will take him to our house beside it's more important than anything". Yoongi said, pulling the leash from joon's mouth. "But for now, let me play with dumpling here. "Who es the goo' boy hele". Yoongi said in baby tone making jimin face disgust.

"Min yoongi, from DH. F took care of red alert demon by his own". A man in meeting room said loudly with shock.

All man their noded "Yes, Park jimin best friend and Jung Hoseok's husband he is doing the hunting all alone when he was just a teen, sir".

"Really? That's really awesome, so do think making him the next leader of south is good idea". The man asked to all, with a wide eyes.

They all looked at eachother before saying "We have one more candidate, sir. His name is Jay park". They all noded, as to know about him more.

"Hm... He works in group of four people, he is the leader and he always fights with red alerts". Man continued before, the sir stopped him.

"Four people?—"

"Yes sir, young- ji, taeyang, Lee Jong suk, and lastly Jay park". He said continuing the data of him.

Sir noded it's hard to choose "Than we will choose the leader next week front of them, if anyone of them don't want it I'll give the position to other one".

"Ok sir, so meeting ends here, thank you for good work all of you". Sir's secretary said and everyone bowed to the sir before leaving the place.

"I want to add one more candidate sir —, Jeon jungkook".

To be continued.......

How the chapters going so far?

Only lies, because i don't trust true words.


 I adopted a demon kid Where stories live. Discover now