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"What the fuck—, get away from me who the fuck are you? Namjoon, my baby where are you?". Jimin opened a saw a boy was sitting on his chest smiling and waving with cute dimples.

Namjoon said his wings were also get large covering his back.
"It's me joonjoon dad look at joon, joon got big for you so joon can control on his body". He smiled trying to kiss his dad who pushed him, with fear which lead namjoon crying out loudly.

"Huh! Am I still high because of sleeping pills—". Jimin embraced his son to his chest looking him up and down."What did you do? I'm sorry i am so stupid yelling at baby like joon, baby dad is sorry, oh! My poor baby".

"Ya, you should apologize more. Beg him, you just put our king in dark room just because he ate a lowly cat and that was your fault because you didn't gave him any meat". Jin came sipping on something warm liquid it can't be shown by them, as the mug had wings larger then his body.

Jimin said without looking at joon he felt guilty and sorry."I- i was really busy with—".

"Hunting demons down, listen you lowly human our king has to go back to there to control all this shit". Jin said loudly he saw joon escaping taehyung arms becoming small and then his adult form while giggling.

Taehyung followed half face burnt, yes joon did that but little joon healed him after a minute leaving little bit mark which was disappearing slowly. "And for that— he needs to learn everything and about everyone and he needs to find a wife".

"What is wife?". Namjoon asked he sat on his dad's lap and jimin struggled little.

Jin said he saw joon getting small again just to sit on his dad's lap comfortably."A person gets kisses and love, care from there husband— ah... i can't teach you that".

"Then dad will be husband and I'll be wife, dad will give me kisses and lowe I'll be dad's wife". Namjoon kissed jimin's lips in adult form, and hugging him while jimin was in shock.

Taehyung said, he can see what's coming but because joon is still kid it will work he will take him on right path. "No you can't. you can't marry your own dad— beside he is human with low stamina he will never satisfy for need".

"I'm human too and dad is powerful just like Ahjussi, he is like Superman". Namjoon kicked his leg in air making a fuss, while jimin head throb like hell.

Jin made a face pulling joon from jimin who changed his size running away from him giggling.
"Ahjussi? Hyung call me hyung my lord, or I'll be heart broken and will cry".

"Ok, I'll not say that sorry". Joon said laughing when jin keep tickling him after catching demon kid, running here and there. All of that jimin saw it scared him, joon getting big and small his curious mind and him leaving jimin. What will jimin do after joon leave him, his only family his baby.

Jimin said, not looking jin and taehyung."Joon go take shower I'll make something for you, and can you send them back I don't feel good". When namjoon was gone he purposely ignored the two demons.

"You aren't thinking what I'm thinking that you thinking, our king doesn't belong here. This shit will continue if didn't get back there". Taehyung said pulling jimin's arm so the human face him and talk directly with them.

Jin said, he doesn't care about humans it's just he saying because of sympathy and for joon who get himself a human dad."You are risking your own kind human, you all will swipe away ranking them as higher alert who can't even use magics, think what will all you do when magic user will come here".

"I don't care about this, he is my only family my baby and i will never let you two take him back". Jimin yelled pushing them, he is selfish it doesn't matter he will take care of everything he will make Dh•F members work there ass of he will develop some weapon to deal with new kind of demon but he will never let joon go to his kingdom leaving him here all alone.

To be continued.....

Have fun!


 I adopted a demon kid Where stories live. Discover now