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"A half blood?". Everyone gasped.

Jimin noded sitting back on his seat, he saw yoongi's wide eyes. So, yoongi doesn't know that too."Just like jungkook, but Mr. Jeon's father was demon so he is more powerful then me, my great great grandmother was a demon". He smiled, puting his hand on jungkook nerves he liked it.

"What? Jeon is half blooded-". Jay said gasping, that make sense because this kid looked more demon than human, he is big and those muscles are no joke.

Jimin tsked~ it has to be hidden but if people know about this future when everything is messed it will be disater for everyone so, jimin told them.
"For now leave it here can we? Let's start the meeting, before I broke your neck although i will not getting any fun".

Lee Jong suk said, and yonji noded."Seems like a traitor to me, a half blood is DH•F leader and other one is demon hunter". They took their seat beside Jay and taeyang.

"Ya, just like a nuthead is a leader of a team and his team members are rock headed". Yoongi said he sit beside jungkook, who wasn't paying any attention to them he was just too busy at glaring jimin with anger and disgust.

"Min yoongi— i dare you to say that again at my face, stop mumbling like a girl and say it". Jay yelled pointing his gun on yoongi who also put out his dragger.

Taeyang sighed bowing front of them he said. "Jay calm down, I'm sorry behalf of him just continue about these things it's getting late". He understood not to underestimate jimin or yoongi.

"There is no one gonna be leader of the south till I'm alive, you doesn't worth— but still I'll say Jeon jungkook and Min Yoongi will be the right at the basis of there points". Jimin said calmly even his furious face is shown to everyone he doesn't need to pretend and he is not angry but for the DH•F he can do this.

Youngji looked really pissed the smart mouth leader is too much to handle."Wtf— I believe you aren't giving them special treatment as I know one of them is your friend and another is half blooded like you". She said, as Jay was covering her back.

"Relationships and whatever you are saying isn't important when you can't even protect one civil  so no, I'm not taking sides". Jimin said, taping at his phone a sudden message came making jimin and yoongi looked at eachother.

Jay came, puting his gun on the table front of jungkook who was also ready for fight."Even you are taking sides I'm not interested, in that case I refuse that half blood will become a leader of DH•F". Kook doesn't care about this all, he needed money and he heard he can get higher from here.

"NO! No fighting guys, i said you aren't the leader of DH•F and that's where we are finished". Jimin was in hurry but this shitty meeting isn't over.

Again someone said, not letting jimin go it was obvious he is in hurry after looking at his phone.
"But sir—, the other leader wants to get retired from his position it's been 55 years he was in leader position". He sighed, it's gonna be big deal if he choose leader randomly in hurry.

"I am still confused, we have to choose between Min Yoongi and Jeon jungkook, with the second meeting I'll tell you, now I have to go". Jimin was in hurry not fool, to choose Jay or jungkook or even yoongi like this, he has come with real reasons and all.

Yoongi followed him from behind taking out his car key, he said loudly so his friend doesn't start to run away on his way.
"Jimin- ah, I'm coming with you".

"Namjoon- ah? Where is he?— ". Jimin came huffing, yoongi had to park the car far from house because some problem on the road which is constructing.

Hoseok was sitting on the floor, maybe because he was scared as jimin thought."In the room with jin and taehyung, we forgot to give him meat and that's why he ate the cat you gifted him two days ago". But he was worried for joon, he wasn't scared.

"What? It's all my fault— where is he? I should have— Hyung, I'll leave now, thank you for having us i truly appreciate it but please don't stop me anymore". Jimin sighed, he thought joon harmed someone but it was poor cat he will not say he relieved but it's good no one else get hurt.

"Jimin, hold on let him settle down little he maybe terrified he is just kid—". Yoongi was quick to say, maybe this a little problem they will solve it together.

Jimin saw taehyung, who looked worried it was hard to control joon first he is still kid with no self control and second he has extreme powers in his hands.
"Just kid? No he is demon kid hyung any more mistakes made by will lead your family into danger soobin, Niki and know is still kid". Jimin knows if someone else knew about this they will use joon as there tool, as kid believes whatever adult says.

"It's not only your fault i should have also—".

"Hyung—, he is my responsibility I'll take it from here thank you for all these days I'll call you later". Jimin said nothing more than that, he took sleeping joon who followed by two other demons leaving hoseok and yoongi's house.

"Dad— it's me namjoon".

To be continued.....

Hello! Everyone, how are you? Fine, thank you. 😊🤠


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