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You shot up in the bed, breathing hard as you pulled an oxygen mask from your mouth a sharp pain shot around your hips and up your back. Your wings stiffened with pain as you grabbed your hips. "Fuck!"

"Y/N?" Iida's voice called out as you looked at the hospital room door. He and a few other classmates walked in.

A nurse helped you lay back in bed as you looked out the window. The world seemed duller. Void of hope as you stared out the window.

"Is Deku and everyone okay?" You asked as you looked at Iida. Only when you say his, Momo, and Shoto's eyes did you realize the toll the Paranormal Liberation War really took on Japan.

"No one can find Deku. We didn't even think you'd wake up..." Iida looked off, unable to even look at you from having a sense of shame.

"What? Why?"

"You had mild decay at your hips. A concussion, internal bleeding, a fractured leg, fractured collarbone, your wings were crushed, and two broken ribs." Momo said in a sad monotone voice.

"No! Not me! Where is Deku!? What happened?" You snapped at them.

"He..." Kirishima sighed. "Deku left after the doctors told him you may not wake up. They had to put you in a medically induced coma."

"C... coma?" You sat up slowly and looked at them. "For how long?"

"'s... been two weeks..." Iida said reluctantly.

"T... Two... two weeks..." You started breathing heavy again. "When... when did Deku..."

"A week and a half ago..." Kirishima said sadly.

"Who all died? That's... that has to be the only reason that Deku left. He's overwhelmed... traumatized... right?"

Momo swallowed. "Midnight... Crust, Eel Boy, Majestic..." She started to cry as your face sunk with depression. "Native, Disarray, FroYo, Tailored... along with more than 160 other smaller heroes."

"Oh... my god..."

"Hundreds were displaced. Some dying in the decay wave of the after math of the decay wave... Endeavor, Hawks, Fat Gum, Best Jeanist..." Kirishima looked down. "All are in critical condition. Hawks and Fat Gum are improving but slowly..."

"All... All of this... because of... Shigaraki..." You swallowed.

They nodded as you covered your mouth and began to cry. Deku had to of been hurting so bad.

Trauma's Temptations (Deku x Winged!Reader [ft. Shigaraki])Where stories live. Discover now