The Wind Up

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It's been at least 2 days from what you can tell. Light shines into your room in the mornings/days and you see it under your blindfold. Two days since Shigaraki last walked into the room.

Your arms ached from being tied behind you so tightly. You wiggled and squirmed until you fell onto your side. Your wings didn't heal right so you could barely move them and they already hurt so bad from the burning.

As you saw the light peer into your room again, you heard the door open and chair legs and feet appeared in your vision. Whoever it was grabbed you and picked you up, leaning you back against what you assumed was a bed. You heard the chair reposition. Probably to sit facing you.

"Alright, Y/H/N." Shigaraki's voice cut through the silence. You were almost happy to hear his voice it had been so silent. You raised your head a bit to face where you thought he was. "I have Jiro, Mina, Momo, and I've already killed Mineta. So. If you want the other 3 to live, listen very closely because I know you're awake."

You swallowed hard as he grabbed your shirt collar and pulled you up to your knees, close to him as he sat in the chair.

"If you agree to this, I'll remove the restraints from your arms after I release them. You'll have just your wrists handcuffed behind you for the following three days. After that, the cuffs come off and the day after the blindfold comes off." He said clearly and sternly as he let your shirt collar go, leaving you on your knees as you felt his-


Were you sure this was Shigaraki? His hands were surprisingly soft as he put his hand gently but threateningly around your neck. "If you run. Try to fly. Fight. Scream." His voice got closer and closer until you could feel every word leave his mouth. "I will cut your wings off. I will chain you to this room and I will do nothing but send pieces of you to your precious Deku until he can put the pieces back together like a jigsaw puzzle. Do you understand me?"

You swallowed, nodding slightly. He huffed, closing the gap a little more as he spoke a bit louder and with more authority. "Speak. Do you understand me?! You already saw what Dabi did to Kaminari just to get you here!"

You jumped a bit, nodding as you spoke. "Yes... Yes... I... I understand just... let them go. Please!"

Shigaraki let you go. Standing up as you fell back against the bed, crying out in pain as your wings hit the bed. He grabbed the chair, walking to the door as it slid across the floor and opened the door.

"Wait! Wait you're letting them go right!?" You screamed, trying to get up only to fall back on your side. Shigaraki didn't talk as you heard the door begin to close. "SHIGARAKI!" You cried out as you heard the door close. Tears filling your eyes behind the blindfold.

Trauma's Temptations (Deku x Winged!Reader [ft. Shigaraki])Where stories live. Discover now