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It's been a week since Monoma was assigned to you as your buddy both to protect you and possibly just to annoy you.

Monoma wasn't Hawks' first choice according to the bird brain himself. Class 1-A was still recovering or had problems or work/study's of their own to do so you got stuck with the one person in Class 1-B that quit his work/study after the Paranormal Liberation War because 'Class 1-A once again tried to one up 1-B to feel superior! Thanks to their weak efforts, countless pros died! I don't have time to waste on useless work/study's as they mourn!'

So now you were stuck with the egotistical maniac as he talked day in and day out about you being a stray that Class 1-A just had to adopt into their class just before the war. Deku running off because he couldn't protect his poor puppy.

"Class 1-A's stray needing a buddy to escort them everywhere they go! I guess your class isn't that great after all!" Monoma's laugh rang out as your walked out of the school bathroom.

"That's the fourth time this week, Monoma. Starts to lose its sting after a while." You said as you stretched and walked down the hallway.

"Maybe you're right but at least my class didn't have to adopt a puppy to make up for their lack of strength!" He laughed again.

You groaned as you walked out of the school gates and towards town. "If I make it through this bullshit..." You mumbled as Monoma walked up beside you.

"What's that? Is the Puppy of Class 1-A showing it's teeth?" Monoma grinned.

"Oh my god... do you ever just... SHUT UP?" You yelled as you smacked him with one of your wings.

He stumbled and ran back up to you. "Where are we even going, pup?"

"Stop calling me pup." You growled.

"Puppy ma-" Monoma was cut off by your wing thwacking him again.

"We're heading to town to do patrol. Hawks is letting me do a patrol day so I don't have to stay cooped up anymore." You said as you crossed your arms walking.

"Cooped up? You've ran to town and all other surrounding areas of UA High every other day." Monoma said as he looked at you.

"Yeah... well... Hawks doesn't know that so..." You said quietly as you walked through the town.

2 hours of walking and a couple lunch breaks in between that. The sun begins to set as you and Monoma enter the lesser civilian populated area of town.

"So, Pup..." Monoma started as you turned and looked at him.

"Monoma. I swear to god you have about four more times to call me that and I will throw you into the air so far you'll throw up last weeks lunch." You said with an irritated smile.

"It irrit-" Monoma stopped and looked behind you, eyes wide as froze. "K... Kaminari?" He said confused.

"What?" You raised an eyebrow and looked behind you to see an unconscious Kaminari tied up at the end of the alleyway behind you.

You didn't even think about why he was there or who put him there. You immediately ran down the alley, Monoma close behind you as you got to Kaminari.

"Kaminari!?" You yelled as you grabbed him. "Hey, hey! Wake up!" You smacked the sides of his face. "Kaminari! Are you okay!? Where's Jiro!?! What happened???!!!" You yelled in a panic as Kaminari barely came back to the living world.

That's when you noticed the smell of burning flesh. Burning hair. You noticed the smoke rising off of Kaminari as you pulled him into you and looked at his back, burn marks and cuts marked from his lower back to his shoulders.

"Y... Y/N..." Kaminari mumbled. "G... Go..." He spoke weakly.

"Monoma. Call into Hawks. Tell hi-" You laid Kaminari on his side as you heard a familiar voice speak from behind you.

"What's wrong, Pup? Where's all that fight you had a few weeks ago?" Dabi's voice rang out in the confined walls of the alley.

You swallowed hard as you gripped onto Kaminari. His barely conscious eyes looking at you as he spoke quietly. "R... Run... Leave..."

"Puuuuuup..." Dabi's voice grew closer as you swallowed hard and looked at Kaminari.

What would Deku do?

You smiled at Kaminari, reaching slowly behind you as you ripped some feathers gently from your wings and attached them to him. You stood up and faced Dabi as Monoma stood behind your wings.

Assuming Monoma already called Hawks, you glared at Dabi. "We already alerted Hawks. He'll be here soon, you dried out piece of seaweed." You snapped as Dabi stopped about 60 feet from you.

"Oh... I think your bark is worse than your bite." Dabi grinned.

"We'll see about that." Your wings struggled but lifted Kaminari out of harms way. "Grab on Monoma." You whispered as you started to lunge at Dabi but he didn't move.

Monoma, who had grabbed onto your wings and shoulders, grabbed your wings and planted you on the ground under his feet, just a couple feet from Dabi.

You grunted beneath his feet, thrashing your wings in his grasp as you yelled. "Monoma! Get off!"

"Sorry, stray." He said as he looked down at you. Suddenly you stopped struggling as you saw Dabi and Monoma look at each other. "You want her conscious and kicking or sedated?"

"Ehh..." Dabi shrugged. "Doesn't matter to me as long as she's alive."

Monoma looked back at you as you stared at him in horror. "You're the one person that is never going to get a chance to rise above me, Class 1-A or not." He said with poison on his lips.

You saw the sparks form around his hands but since your wings were metal when they hardened, you were only electrocuted more. Your screams echoed loudly throughout the alleyway as Monoma didn't even bother to hold back.

After a whole three seconds of electricity shooting throughout your body, exhausting you beyond belief, Monoma stopped and stepped off you. Dabi grabbed your wings, burning them slowly as you looked at him on the verge of unconsciousness already. Wincing at the pain as you weakly rubbed the ground trying to force yourself up.

Once your feathers were burnt off, Dabi snapped your wings. Both of them in several places. "You're gonna be a pretty little caged bird." Dabi said as he picked you up, your consciousness fading as you looked at Monoma who's grin was as wide as his ego.

Trauma's Temptations (Deku x Winged!Reader [ft. Shigaraki])Where stories live. Discover now