Close. So Close.

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Shigaraki had been respecting your boundaries everyday since you refused him. There would be times where you would be kissing and pull away and Shigaraki wouldn't push any further and he'd simply kiss your head and ask if you were okay. Then afterwards he'd ask if you wanted him to stay.

If you said yes he would hold you in his arms all night unmoving and never making a move until the next day after bringing you breakfast.

He had a passion to him when it came to you. He did anything you asked. It was refreshing... but odd...


Day 20


"Yeah?" You looked up at Shigaraki from sitting in his lap.

"I'm never gonna leave you behind. Ever, okay?" He said as he kissed your cheek and held you.

"Okay? What's wrong?" You asked as you smiled up at him.

"I was just thinking, my little bird..." Shigaraki said as he leaned his head on yours.


Day 22

Shigaraki left after he brought you breakfast yesterday and you haven't seen him since. You were growing worried and anxious. Waking up alone with... well, lonely...

You found yourself pacing around the room. Antsy. Aggravated. Where was he? Why wouldn't he tell you where he was?

"Hey!" Dabi's voice rang out as he slammed the door open. You turned and saw him, redirecting to the bathroom in a run but Dabi grabbed you before you could even make it to the door.

"Let me go!" You screamed at the top of your lungs as you flapped your poor little feathers. "No!" You cried out as Dabi covered your mouth.

He pinned you to the ground, hand still over your mouth as you screamed and kicked beneath him. As you looked towards the old window with curtained over it, you saw green flashes outside. Footsteps on the roof.

Deku? Was that Deku?

You screamed behind Dabi's hand as he held you down. "Shut up!" He yelled in a whisper.

"Y/N?" Deku's voice rang out. Twice. You cried behind Dabi's hand until you heard Deku jump off the roof and leave.

Dabi uncovered your mouth. Still on top of you as you screamed at the top of your lungs yet again, but not Deku's name. Not for Izuku Midoriya.

"SHIGARAKI!" You cried loudly, hearing footsteps run up the stairs. Dabi was pulled off you, slamming into your desk and breaking it as Shigaraki pulled you up.

You hit at him, not realizing it was him until he spoke and held you tightly. "It's me. Im right here. You're okay. You're fine. What happened?" He asked, you were too distraught to respond. "Dabi what did you do!?"

"I kept your precious little caged bird from being taken! You're fucking welcome!" Dabi yelled as he walked out and slammed the door behind him.

"He... he..." You tried to speak but you were breathing too hard, not even registering fully about Deku searching for you.

"Hey... hey it's okay..." Shigaraki said as he made you look up at him. "You're okay. I'm right here."

You started to cry again as you looked at him. "Where... where were you? I didn't... see you all... all day yesterday... I missed you..." You whimpered as he kissed your head.

"I'm sorry... I had to run some errands yesterday and I didn't get back until you were already asleep..." He said as he sat on the bed and held you.

"I... I missed you... I was scared..."

"I know... I know, I'm sorry..." Shigaraki said softly as he held you.

"Don't leave me again... please..." You cried into his chest.

Trauma's Temptations (Deku x Winged!Reader [ft. Shigaraki])Where stories live. Discover now