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I miss him every time he leaves... what is wrong with me?

Shigaraki had slept with you every night since Dabi grabbed you and scared you. Every single night he held you in his arms, doing nothing more than protecting you as he slept without even realizing how much his arms around you meant to you.

Eventually, you were getting aggravated with the small space of your room. Antsy, cramped... stir crazy. You looked forward to seeing Shigaraki every time he came back.

You looked forward to hearing his laugh and seeing him smile. Having him hold you and peck your cheek with little kisses randomly. He brought you books, he let you watch anything.

But now you wanted more. You wanted space. You wanted to see the house he had you in.


I need to get out of this room. It's so small and muggy. I've been in here too long.

Shigaraki walked in with a take out bag in his hand and two drinks. He sat them on the desk as you walked out of the bathroom. You wasted no time walking over to him and grabbing his hand as you looked at him as he stood up.

"Yes, little bird?" He said as he tilted his head just slightly. "Is there something wrong?"

"I want to see the rest of the house, Shigaraki..." You said softly, seeing his hand love towards you, you closed your eyes and prepared for the worst but only felt his fingers run through your hair.

"Alright..." He said with a smile as you opened your eyes again.


"I said okay..." Shigaraki chuckled. "Why? Did you expect a no? I told you I'd never hurt you. The worst I'd do is tell you no or hold you if you were severely upset." He said as he took his face into his hand.

"Oh... uh..." You smiled slightly. "That was easier than expected."

And Shigaraki kept his word, kept that agreement. No conditions. He took you all over the second floor, the floor you were on, that day.


A week passed since he let you walk around the second floor. After about three days, he let you walk around freely on the second floor.

You asked to go to the first floor. To the kitchen and living room. He agreed yet again. Only you couldn't go down without him. You didn't mind that. You had brown attached to Shigaraki. Unhealthily so.

"Spinner and... Dabi?" You said as you looked at them, Shigaraki standing behind you.

"Mhm. They live here as well on occasions. Is this the first time you're seeing them is Dabi's rather rude handling?" Shigaraki asked as he put an arm around you.

"Yeah..." You said softly as Dabi scoffed a bit before sighing.

"Sorry. Thought you were being attacked. I heard the stomping upstairs and Shigaraki said to protect you so." He said half assedly.

"It... It's okay." You replied as you scooted closer to Shigaraki in his arms.

Spinner walked up to you and out his hand out. "Glad to see Shigaraki found someone worth his time." Spinner smiled.

"Uh... thanks..." You said as you shook his hand.


A couple days passed after you introduced yourself to Dabi and Spinner... or rather they introduced themselves to you. You overheard Spinner and Dabi talking about Izuku one night. They had saw him with Uraraka on a mission far from UA. On the other side of where you were originally captured.

That night, you cried in the bathroom for a couple hours while Shigaraki slept in bed. Why would Izuku leave you? No one has even been searching for you. Not Hawks or UA.

"Y/N?" You heard Shigaraki's groggy voice from the other side of the door.

You flushed the toilet and walked out, trying to walk past hun without speaking but he caught your arms. "Shigaraki..."

"Y/N, what's wrong? You'd been in there for a while..." He said, he must've woken up after you got out of bed as some point.

"I'm... Im Okay..." You sniffled as he turned you around and made you look at him despite your fussing. "I'm okay!"

"Why were you crying?" He said as he saw your puffy eyes.

"I..." You started to tear up again as you pulled your face away from him. "No... No one is looking for me..." You mumbled.

"Huh?" Shigaraki led you to the bed and helped you lay down as he laid beside you, facing you. "Go on... it's okay, I'm right here.." He said as he moved the hair from your eyes.

"No one is looking for me... Monoma betrayed me, I'm lost and no one is looking for me... Not even UA... and I worked... so hard to get in UA..." You stifled your cries as he wrapped his arms around you.

"Shhh... It's okay... they don't know what they're missing, little bird... you're my whole world." Shigaraki said as he kissed your head. "We care more about you here than they ever would at UA... I care more about you than Izuku Midoriya ever could."


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Trauma's Temptations (Deku x Winged!Reader [ft. Shigaraki])Where stories live. Discover now