Man of The Hour (Ch.15)

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⚠️Sexual activity/Drugs use/slight racism ⚠️

Konig POV:

"Forgive give me, Lt...but I have no idea what you're talking about?"

Ghost brushed past me as he scanned my room. All of this doesn't make any sense. What does he mean Y/n is in my room?

"We have been looking for her for about 20 mins now... I used the tracker on her communicator to locate her and it shows her here." Soap said giving me the tracker

"I won't lie I thought you two were getting lucky in here. " he joked, causing me and Ghost to deadpan him.

"I-Im just gonna check up with Price." Soap took the message and left my room.

"I don't know why her tracker shows she's in my room."

"I think I have an idea why." Ghost reached into the pocket of the khaki pants I was about to put on. I almost forgot I was in my boxers with my superior in the same room, how fucking embarrassingly stupid of me.

Ghost pulls out Y/n's ear communicator from my right pocket. That sneaky bitch must have planted it on me when we were in the hallway.

"It looks like she caught you lacking. Did you see her at all today?" Ghost asked.

"Only when we bumped into the hallway a few hours ago." I was beyond furious but I tried to compose myself.

"She snuck out and is probably halfway there to the Strip club. I'll report to Price, you get ready. Remember, capturing the target is the primary focus, don't let the girl distract."

I'll make that woman regret tricking me.

Y/n POV:

Finally, I arrived at the strip in a car I hotwired. A 5-story club covered in Neon light and bright colors as if a kindergartner designed this place. I read the huge light name sign.

"il Paradiso Attende" what a shabby name.

The line to get in was long and the place was riddled with guards. I needed a plan to get in fast. As if my prayers were answered, I saw a stripper come out from the employee door, having a smoke.

Wasting no time, I knocked her out, took her key card, and enter through the back door with the K.O'd lady. Upon entering the workers were too drunk/high to notice me carrying their unconscious friend. I did have to make a few excuses like "she had too much to drink." Once I put the lady down outside the bathroom, it was showtime.

Opening my backpack, I grab the outfit I purchased a few days ago and hide my backpack in the vent above the stall.

{*A/n: if you're not comfortable please skip ahead!

This is what Y/n bought

Or you can think of your own design

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Or you can think of your own design.

Author, out}

Stepping out of the stall, I examine in the mirror. Never have I ever worn an outfit that showed too much. I'm used to covering up myself with long sleeves and hiding my body away. At least I looked like a bad bitch. I put on a black mask for good measure.

Exiting the bathroom, I switched to the "party girl" role. I asked my way around the club for anyone who's seen the birthday boy. Luckily one girl stated, he was in the VIP lounge.

Making my way there, I got eyed by a couple of guards who were armed with rifles and firearms. The guards at the VIP door stopped me.

"What is your business for being here?" He spoke in English with a heavy Russian accent

"My boss at the counter ordered me to bring this champagne to the birthday boy."

"We'll give it to him ourselves" the guard suggests.

Great, how will I get in there now?

The door of the VIP lounge opened to reveal the bastard himself, Viktor Abramov. I watched as he chatted with his guards in Russian

"<What's the big deal, guys?>"

"<Our apologies, this girl right here wanted to bring you a drink but we'll handle it.>"

Viktor eyed e from head to toe. What a disgusting pig.

"<Let her in>"
"<But Sir->"

"<Did you not hear me? It's my fucking birthday! I make the rules here>" he yelled out. It was obvious he was under some kind of influence. Drugs? Alcohol? Both?

The guards moved aside and allow me access. When I walked into the lounge I was immediately hit with the strong smell of weed, it was intoxicating to the point I almost gagged. There were people passed out on the floor, not knowing whether they were dead or alive. People having SEX OPENLY IN FRONT OF ME. God, I can't wait to get out of here.

Viktor urges me to sit next to him. He started playing with my hair, Lord knows where his hands have been.

"I've always had a thing for beautiful chocolate women. Please tell me your name"


"... My name is Raya.," I muttered, completely disturbed by the man next to me.

"What a beautiful name for a girl. Do you want to know a secret?", his hot alcoholic breath touching me made the back of my hair stand up as he whispered into

"...I'm a virgin"

Yeah no shit.

"I've been waiting for the right moment to get with somebody. And it looks like I found my person" he chuckled.

"But only knew me for 5 minutes."

"And I can guarantee you that I can last longer than that. Come on, let's take this somewhere private."

There's no way I'm going to sleep with this piece of shit. But if I want the information I need, I'll have no choice but to play along for now...

I sluggishly followed out of the lodge as we went upstairs to the bedroom area.

A Queen fit for a King - (König X Black Reader) Where stories live. Discover now