In the End, It Doesn't Even Matter (Ch. 37)

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Y/n POV:

~Present Time~




Is the only question conjugated in my mind as I try to process how this huge barbaric man, who was supposed to be dead, tossed me to the hard concrete ground.

This whole night felt like a terrible dream, an illusion. I knew I had to face the consequences at the end of it but not before I got at least one hit at Wolf Bitch. However, her “guard dog” , Felix, proves to be more than what I can usually handle.

I mean I’ve taken on guys 2x larger than me in the past but only when I'm accompanied with a firearm or tranquilizer dart. Even though I hit hard, my punches could be nothing but kisses to their bulky physique. Hell, the guy can take around six knives to the torso and is somehow still standing. 


No need to feel intimidated, Y/n. Recount your bullets, shut down your emotions and breathe….

As I repeated the mantra in my mind, the breeze around felt slower. This is the perfect momentum I needed. I peered my head to the side and looked over to the nearest S.W. soldier in my line of vision. He can be the perfect cover up. In a rush attempt, I lounged out of my hiding place and took him down quietly. All I needed was a warm up to down all these fucks…

Two increase to five, then five to eight, then eight to twelves. Twelve skinned wolves down, more to go. If it weren’t for my current state, I would have managed to eliminate more in the span of five minutes but this isn’t the time to be picky about my sloppy performance; my main goal is that blonde tramp and her walking frankenstein. 

Speaking of which….

My eyes peered towards the freaky lovebirds trying to make their escape on the helicopter. Figures, they would try to leave the scene so early. I want to go after them but more of these stupid wolves keep showing up. My options are very limited… but I kill multiple birds with a boulder. I grabbed the grenade launcher from one of the dead enemies, aimed towards the others and fired at them. Few of them managed to dodge the explosion but that’s irrelevant. They’re not the main targets anyways I just needed a diversion and I got one.

Jumping up on one of the cars, I shot my grappling hook to the skids of the helicopter and it started to take off. The passengers definitely noticed my presence as two more pesky wolves started to shoot down at me. Some of the bullets grazed against my skin, one of them managing to strike my thigh causing me to scream. Due to my already weakened state, I couldn’t hold the grappling hook on one hand and aimed my gun on the other. With as much strength my body had, I maneuvered my legs upward to wrap around the rope, my body was upside down but my hands free to make a precise aim as I shot down the two fucks and watch them fall off the helicopter. It was a risky move knowing I could have fallen off myself but what’s done is done.

After climbing up the rope, a heavy foot stomped on my hand as I tried to climb in the helicopter cabin, causing me to yell in pain. The other foot kicked my gun out my hand and a large hand grabbed my neck, cutting my air supply off as I was dangling outside the helicopter while it’s currently THOUSANDS of feet off the ground. I'm surely familiar with choking me right now, since he made it a habit to carry me like a ragdoll. My watery eyes came face to face with Felix’s irritated expression. 

He looks tired of seeing me….Well the feelings are mutual, you  fucked up Bitch!

I really wanted to kick him in the balls or something other than having a staring contest with him but in the current situation i’m in, I don’t want to risk it. No words could come out of my mouth since I'm currently suffocating by the hands of this beast. My vision is starting to darken as well.

Am I really going to die in the hands of the man who killed my family?....

How could I just give up like this? After all the hard work… the bullshit I had to put up with.

…Will my family even want to look at me again knowing all the sins I’ve done?...

I have never been the religious type of person, my opinions are mainly neutral about those topics. I would just tell myself that my family’s in heaven just to make myself feel better. I do truly believe that they’re in peace in the afterlife but if there really is a heaven ....will I even be able to go and be with them? 

Will I be able to see Konig again?....

My vision soon faded to full darkness as I conveyed my final thoughts.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2023 ⏰

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