Til Death Do Us Part (Ch.35)

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Y/n POV: 

Everything felt cold and hot at the same time. My brain felt like nothing but TV static until the right channel was on. I was too weak to move but I tried to scan my surroundings while my eyes were still focusing. 

The thing I can register was that I felt arms around me; they were tight but not in a threatening way, it was more sympathetic. I haven’t felt such a comforting hug in so long. It reminds me of all the times I tried to escape my mom’s hugs before heading to school. God, how much I wish to hug her one last time. 

A light shift of the person's body brought my attention back to the present. I looked up at the person just to be met with familiar eyes. The type of eyes that looked at me with worry and care. 

My strength was building up enough to where I can slowly sit up. My confused expression immediately went to shock when I laid my eyes on Konig, laying slumped against the wall, blood running down his exposed face and mouth. My mind was flashed with imagery of all the past moments. I remembered everything I did, every command I listened to.

“No no no!”

I applied pressure to his gaping wound; there was so much blood coming out, tears started to form in the corner of my eyes. Why the hell am I worrying so much? I’ve been trained to cancel all basic emotions during the line of work; I never thought I would break down like this, especially not for a man. 

But Konig… He’s certainly not just a stranger and not just a companion. I don’t know what to think of him but that’s not my main focus right now. I frantically started to rip out my sleeve, using it to block the bleeding as much as I could. My movement was halted when a hand grabbed my shoulder. My eyes looked directly at Konig who had a lazy smile on his face despite the situation he was in.

“It’s alright… I knew I was going to face death someday.” He tried to assure me.

“Don’t speak like that! Look, you’ll be alright and I’ll get you help, I promise.”

He released a small chuckle while I looked at him like he was insane. He then cupped my face and carefully wiped my tear stream with his thumb.

“...You have the most beautiful eyes, you know that right?”

I was left speechless by his words. Does he not know that he’s bleeding profusely? Should I slap him out of it?

“Konig… you’re losing a lot of blood, your mind isn’t in the right place. I just need you-”

Before I could utter another word, Konig pulled me and our lips clashed together. My eyes widened for a moment until I relaxed my eyelids and fell deeper into the kiss. It was passionate with no direct rhythm or dominance. After what felt like forever, we finally broke from each other; I was still in a stunned trance but soon recovered back to the situation and continued to apply pressure to his stab wound. It crushed me to hear Konig grunt due to the pain he was in. It seemed he wanted to say something but couldn’t form the words yet. The silence between us was strong and dreadful until he finally spoke.

“...I’ve been planning to do that… Not in this type of condition, but if I don’t tell you how I feel now, then that would have been a fate worse than death.”

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. Why didn’t I stop him from wasting his breath? Why am I still quiet? Say something for God's sake!

“Y/n…you don’t have to feel the same, that’s completely fine…I just want to let it out of my chest.”

Konig held my hand as his consciousness slipped away and he passed out. More tears streamed down my face as I desperately tried to wake him up but I couldn’t feel a heartbeat 

Angry tears…

Scared Tears…

Heartbroken Tears… I freely let them flow as I grabbed onto Konig.

“Konig, come on! Wake up! I’m sorry, I’m sorry for everything! I love you too, I always did but I was too stubborn and childish to admit it!”

It was like I'm a walking jinx; everyone I was ever close to dies and I'm still here for some reason! 

My family…

my partners…

They’re all gone…

 Even though I didn’t know Konig for long, I was scared to get too close to him but it didn’t matter anyway, he ended up in the same fate by my own hands! I can never forgive myself for what I did. 

No… I didn’t want to do all this. I wasn’t in my right mind to commit so many crimes. 

It was all because of that skank…That bitch who took control of me and used me as a war machine…

I’ll get her back if it’s the last thing ….

Wiping my tears with my bloody hands, I got up and walked in the direction Spider went but not before glancing at Konig’s unconscious body. My tears started to swell up again but I can’t let my emotions distract me from avenging Koing.

I turned back around only to come face to face with Price, who had a startled expression on his face. In all honesty, the scene he walked into makes me look like a monster. I don’t blame him one bit, but at the same time, I’m actually glad to see him. However, when I stepped closer, he took on a defensive pose. I stepped back and raised my hands in the air to prove I wasn’t attacking.

“Y/n…are you…”

“I’m back to normal now…I’m going after Spider so you can save your questions later.”

“Y/n, I can’t-”

“I promise I won’t run away. That’s the last thing I want to do. Right now, I’m upset and no one’s stopping me.” I said as my trembling voice and red watery eyes betrayed me.

Price scanned me for a moment before surprisingly giving me his gun. I hesitatingly grabbed it, he then walked past me and tended to the unresponsive Austrian. 

“I’ll notify Laswell to bring the Medic team down here. You do what needs to be done, kid.”

I nodded and continued my way to the Parking lot. That’s where Wolf Spider was heading if I remember correctly. The handgun I was given had enough ammo just for one perfect headshot; I can take down other wolves with me but my main target right now is Wolf Spider.

After scavenging around to find the exit door, I made it to the parking lot and immediately went into hiding behind the railing. I spotted Spider with a few of her lackeys and a tied-up man with a sack over his head. I'm assuming they managed to get their hands on the ambassador. I crouched to stay out of sight of the helicopter that was landing near them. 

As much as I wanted to shoot Spider’s brains off, I had to be smart about this. Chances are if I shot W.S. first, they’ll kill the ambassador and I don’t want things ending up as messy as it already is. My final decision was to take out the one nearest to the ambassador; I aimed my gun steadily at the target but before I could pull the trigger a large hand grabbed mine tightly, picked me up, and threw me about 10 feet away over the railing. The movement was so swift, I didn’t get time to react.

“<Someone is watching us! Kill them!>” one of the wolves yelled.

Shit! I was exposed. I took cover behind the parked cars as bullets started feeling in my direction.

“<Hold your fire!>” Wolf Spider shouted as she walked past one of the cars I was hiding behind. 

“I…I thought you were dead..” Spider spoke again, this time in English. The statement raised my curiosity.

Once my fight-or-flight calmed down, I peeked through the car window to find out who threw me just to see the face of the Devil himself…

Felix… still standing with wounds pouring blood, kissing Wolf Spider’s hand. 


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