Good cop/Bad Cop (Ch.6)

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3rd POV:

Tick. Tick. Tick.

That's what you would be hearing there was a fucking clock in this blank ass room. Seriously what kind of interrogation room doesn't have a fucking clock?

You needed an object to stare at while you dissociate and there's no way you could stare at yourself at the mirror. The camera was at the left corner slightly behind you, You won't gonna sprain your neck.

It feels like an hour since you woke up here and not one good damn person has come in. You were bored out of your mind. Aren't the good cop/bad cop duo suppose to right there with questions to ask you? Guess that's what happens when you what too much spy movies, your imagination goes haywire.

Speaking of imagination... you move right hand around while stay cuffed to feel around your wrist. Thank goodness they didn't take off your bracelet. You use your middle finger to press one of the dangling jewels of the bracelet, causing it to vibrate intensely. Just like that the right cuff on your hand automatically opened itself. Thank you technology. You grabbed the bob pin behind your ear and unlocked the left cuff.


You took the time to stretched your joints, as you look into the camera and gave a delicious middle finger to whoever was watching. Stomping and talking was heard outside as the doorknob of the room began to jiggle. You reposition the chair and sat down as 2 guards burst through the door.

"This is gonna be fun" you let out a wicked smile.

Konig POV:

"Uhh... Captain we have a big problem" Gaz said as he rushed to change the screen to the camera of the interrogation run.

Me, and the others were shocked as we watch the live footage. The assassin beating up two 6'0 guards with ease. HOW DID SHE ESCAPED THE CUFF?

"Shit..." Price breathe out. "Boys, we'll continue the meeting tomorrow, for now rest up. " Him and Gaz rushed out of the room, leaving us dumbfounded.

"Should we help" Soap asked. "If he couldn't handle it, he would have asked us to come along. But we might as well check it out" Ghost replied as he got up and head towards the door. "Well, are you guys coming?"

Me and Soap exchange glance and followed Ghost.

Y/n POV:

I took out only two guards and I'm already exhausted. Mostly because of the hunger and dehydration. I was rocking the chair back and forth, waiting for more guard to come. A part of me did want to hear Price out but I prefer to do this alone.

I soon heard boots stomping and heels clicking in a uniform manner. I couldn't help but smirk as the sounds get closer.

The door opened to reveal the inseparable assholes, Price and Laswell.

My good cop/bad cop duo has finally arrived.

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