Back from the mission-Fluff

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|No warnings, pure fluff|

(1104 words)

Third person pov

Natasha had just come home after a 2 week long mission. Feeling tired and drained, she slowly walked to the Avengers tower elevator. Wanting a much easier way to get to her shared floor with her girlfriend. Letting out a groan as soon as she finally made it into the elevator. Pressing the button up to the floor where your guy's bedroom was. It was quiet in the elevator, but she didn't mind. Natasha liked when it was quiet, giving her more time and freedom to think clearly. Natasha leaned against the elevator wall, picking at the skin around her fingers. She stood there missing the person that she devoted all her love and attention to. As soon as the elevator stopped and the ding that rung that indicated she was at her level. Natasha was soon sluggishly walking to the room where her lover awaited.

Y/n's pov

I was watching y/f/m (your favorite movie) laying in my bed that I would usually share with Natasha, but she was away on a painfully long mission. And I guess you could say I was desperate for her. Sure, we've been away longer than 2 weeks, but it's still hard having the light of your life leave you for that long. As I'm watching y/f/m, I start to hear some footsteps and my eyes hurriedly advert to the door. All of a sudden, my favorite person walks through the door. "Natty!" I yelled and leapt into her arms. Which, she caught me and wrapped her arms around my waist, while her fingers intertwined and rested themselves comfortably on my back. She slowly put me down and pulled me into a real hug. Natasha put rested her head on my head while my head was rested upon her shoulder. "I missed you so fucking much", Natasha stated with a raspier voice than usual. "I missed you too baby" I said and pulled away from the hug. Natasha just looked me in my eyes, made a heartwarming smile at me and slowly pulled in my face to hers with her calloused hands and gave me one of the most passionate kisses we've ever had. We slowly pulled away and just exchanged smiles to each other.

Natasha's pov

I finally came home to Y/n. I missed her so much. after we hugged and kissed, we just smiled at each other. At that moment, I fell in pure bliss and nirvana, it was if I couldn't escape that warm tingly feeling. But I'm not complaining about that. "Let's go take a shower and go to bed, yeah?" I ask my Y/n, still feeling tired as ever I once again stared into her perfect y/e/c (Your eye color) eyes. "I'd like that a lot, I'll go run the shower water." Y/n says. I want to say something, but all I'm focused on is the way her body moves as she walks to our bathroom. I really love this girl so much. It's unconditional love that I would never trade for anything.

Third person pov

Y/n walks into the couples shared bathroom, walking over to their shower, she starts to adjust the temperature to something that's just right for both the both of them. Natasha slowly follows the shorter girl, watching her intensely as if she were a treasure chest waiting to be opened.

Y/n's pov

I start to undress, taking off my shirt, pants, underwear and bra. I look over to Natasha and see her do her famous smirk. "Are you coming, baby?" I ask her full on knowing her answer. Just wanting to tease her. "Hmmm, I don't know..." She states out and starts to make her way over to my figure. "You know, you are so beautiful. Sweetheart, I love you so much." Natasha says and gently squeezes my ass making whimper a bit. She giggles from the sudden sound. And starts to undress herself. "I think you're so pretty too, and I think I love you more than you could ever love me." I say gently and look up at the red head. "I don't think that's possible, but whatever helps you sleep at night my love." She says and that makes me blush just slightly. But with Natasha being an assassin and all, she could easily catch this. "You get worked up so easily y/n/n (Your nickname). Natasha says and opens the shower door open to step in. And I'm quick in my movements to follow her. "That's not true, you know what you said about me getting 'so worked up easily'." I quickly say, just above a whisper. "Whatever you say darling." Natasha says in the sexiest tone ever. She slowly pulls me Infront of her. Wrapping her hands above my waist once again and resting her head on top of my head. Just like earlier.

Third person pov

Natasha and Y/n stay like this for a few minutes, just wanting to embrace each other after a long time of being apart. They eventually start to clean themselves off and embrace each other once again.

Natasha's pov

I soon step out of our shower, and I start to get my towel to dry off. Y/n is quick to follow, mimicking the same actions as me. I look over to her and smile. She's quick to put on her Pajama's. After a few minutes I'm soon in a wife beater (the undershirt guys) and boxers. We both brush our teeth and make our ways to our shared bed. Y/n goes her side of the bed and lays down, I can tell she's tired by her body movements and I adore it. I'm quick to follow, going to my side of the bed and getting under the covers. Making myself nice and comfortable. "I love you." Y/n slowly whispers out to me before drifting into her slumber. I lay there for a few minutes admiring all of her facial features and the way her face will cutely contort in a small fashionable way. "I love you too my beautiful girl, sleep good honey." I say to her before kissing her temple and pulling her close to me, once again wrapping my arms around her waist and leaning my head against the pillow. And all that's on my mind is how lucky I am to have someone just like Y/n. Having someone to give all of my love to. This girl is the girl I want to have kids with, grow old with and die with. I devote my life to her, I honestly lover her so much. And after a few minutes of thinking, I also start to drift into my own slumber.

. Okay guys, this is my first writing ever, so sorry if it's not good, let me know if there is anything I should fix. I'm also taking request!

Natasha Romanoff x Fem reader, One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now