All mine-Smut

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. Sub nerdy!G!p-Virgin Natasha x Dom Fem reader

. College Au

. Warnings (I don't know what to put here help, praise, loss of virginity.)

. word count: 1861


Third/second person pov:

You were one of the most popular girls throughout your college. You participated in y/f/s (your favorite sport) your grades were superior and you had a good social life. Everyone wanted you. I mean who wouldn't?

It was deemed by most people that you would fall helplessly in love with one of the football boys, have a messy break up about 3 months later and then go for his best friend. But that wasn't really you. Infact, you didn't even know if you really liked men that much. 

I mean, yeah some can be really nice and cool but you just weren't attracted to them all that much. The guys at your college were all assholes who really only though of themselves. You never interacted with them, staying with your best friends Wanda and Carol. They were the only real people who didn't try and use you for anything. 


                                                                           Time skip


Y/n's Pov

I was running pretty late to class today. I really don't know how it happened. Maybe it was the fact that I slept in this morning, or that I took my sweet time getting ready for the day. Either way, I'm late and I can't do shit about it.

As soon as I make it through the front doors and see only like 5 people wandering throughout the campus, most likely skipping their classes. I start to run to my first class of the day, almost tripping over my feet. 

I finally get to my first class of the day. Economics. And as soon as i open the door everyone stops what they are doing just to stare at me. I meet one pair of green eyes. Those eyes beloned to Natasha Romanoff. She didn't have that many friends. She kept a low profile, nobody really knowing her. Infact, most people just stayed away from her. Natasha always had her head in a book or was studing for who knows what.

To be honest, she was cute. She was the type of person that I'd go out with. Of course, I couldn't tell anyone that. But I desperately crave her attention, just the thought of her makes me get this tingly feeling throughout my body. From her red hair that she would tie in this low, loose bun, to her cunningly boxed but rounded glasses or to her Nike sweater vest that was layered on top of a white shirt.  I couldn't understand why people didn't want her the way I wanted her.

"Y/n, you're late." Your teacher says, I honestly just gave her a glance before going to your seat.

The class goes by at a decent time. As I write my notes down I take a little break, looking over towards the window, sun beaming through the transparent glass. I take a deep breath before getting back to my notes and I swear I saw Natasha looking at me. I look back over in her direction and she was indeed looking at me. With the glance from me she quickly looks back down at her notes and starts blushing. And all I can do is smile and look away.

Time skip

Third/second person pov

As everyone left their first-class y/n went up to Natasha as she was still packing her bag to leave. "Hey Natasha" you say looking at Natasha, making her stop what she's doing to look up at you. "Uhh, hi Y/n" Natasha says questionably, looking a bit intimidated at you. "So, I was wondering if you could come over to my place later on today, and maybe tutor me for the economics test?" "Um, I guess. What time would you come over by?" Natasha says, trying to not make eye contact with you. "Maybe 5:45 or 6ish" You say, giving a smile to Natasha. "Oh, okay see you so-" Natasha gets cut off with you walking away to get to your next class.

Natasha Romanoff x Fem reader, One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now