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. Hii guys, I know I just updated but I'm going to do it again.

. Warnings: Small mentions of sex

. The video is the song that Natasha is going to sing. If you don't like the song, imagine your favorite romantic song that you would want her to sing to you while she's on tour!!

. I'm like really fucking tired and delirious while making this shizzle, so sorry of this makes no fucking sense. Lol.

word count: 921


Natasha's Pov

My hands were sweaty, and my leg was bouncing as I waited for our band to go onstage. I wasn't usually this nervous. No scratch that, I'm never this nervous. I'm only scared because my girlfriend of 9 months is on tour with me. I've wrote a few songs about her, but i've never performed them live before, only to myself. And today, I was singing one of the songs that I wrote for her from the pure love of my heart. "What's up with you baby?" y/n ask me. I'm soon pulled away from perplexed and apprehensive thoughts, turning my face to meet y/n's face. 

Her face is something that I can stare at for days on end and never get tired of it. "Oh nothing, just a little scared before the show, you know?" I ask her cravenly, which she just nods to, taking in the information. "Well, don't be scared, I'm gonna be right there looking at your gorgeous face the whole time." She affirms me, taking my hand and giving it light strokes. My eyes divert to her hand placed in mine, and I simply smile. 

After she was done with the affectionate gesture, I put my 'Fender Jazz master' electric guitar into my lap and start practicing the chords needed for all of my band's songs. (Guitar loaded down below just in case you didn't know what a jazz master looked like.)

Third/second person Pov

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Third/second person Pov

Eventually Natasha's band gets all their gear ready to start preforming. Natasha standing Infront of the microphone, giving her guitar one last tunning check before saying a few words of meaning of the song she's about to sing. "This song goes out to my stunning girlfriend. I love you so much baby," Natasha says and the crowd vociferates with 'awes' and claps, that make Natasha's face light up. Meanwhile, y/n Is in the very first row with her own private seat, staring up at the one she loved the most. Grinning from ear to ear after listening to what Natasha had just said to her. And with that, the music started

"Through drought and famine, natural disasters. My baby has been around for me. Kingdoms have fallen, angels be calling none of that could ever make me leave." Natasha sings angelically, strumming the 6 strings on the fretboard of her expensive guitar. Closing her eyes, embracing herself in the song. The people in the crowd had their phones out, recording Natasha's every movement. But she couldn't care less, she wanted this song to be perfect t for Y/n. Y/n was smiling the whole time, contentment and pleasure rose through her body at a rattling pace.

"Every time I look into your eyes, I see it. You're all I need. Every time I get a bit inside, I feel it. Ooh, who would've thought I'd get you? Ooh, who would've thought I'd get you?" Natasha once again sings into the microphone, devoting her love and exertion into this song. Y/n loved it and loved Natasha, everything that she does for y/n makes her fall in love with her even more than she could've thought.

"And when we're making love, your cries they can be heard from far and wide. It's only the two of us, everything I needs between those thighs." That part of the song you weren't expecting whatsoever. Making you blush through the cold, darkness of the outside. You were glad that people weren't able to see your face, or you would've been 10x more embarrassed. Not saying that it was a bad thing, y/n loved that Natasha had so much confidence. Natasha met eyes with y/n slightly smirking at her as she got back to singing, eyeing the crowd once again.

"Every time I look into your eyes, I see it, you're all I need. Every time I get a bit inside, I feel it. Ooh, who would've thought I'd get you? Ooh, who would've thought I'd get you?" Right there and then you wanted to explode with happiness. The woman of your dreams had been allocating her time into this song. Wanting to show you just how much she loved you, and you couldn't even protest against this. It was the best thing ever. After a few more minutes, she had finished her song. Stepping off stage to go and take a break, (mostly to go talk to you).

"So," Natasha began asking with slight confusion and nervousness. "How was it," she quickly says, wanting to rip the bandage off. "It was so good my love, never in 1000 years would I've guessed you'd do something like this for me. You're so amazing and I love you so much." You say pouring out your heart to the taller girl. She looked at you, smiled and pulled you in for a comforting and gratifying kiss.

. Don't know how to feel about this one, oh well.

. Goodnight or Goodmorning guys! have an amazing day or night and stay safe!

Natasha Romanoff x Fem reader, One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now