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. No warnings for this one

. This is revolving around Natasha and you having a toddler

. I'm going to make the gender a boy just so it can be easier on my end

. Word Count: 955


3rd person Pov: Kind of flashback

After Natasha had retired from being an Avenger, you two had bought a nice home and decided to settle down. After about 2 years of living a peaceful and quiet life together, you were lucky enough to find out you were pregnant with Natasha's baby.

When you broke this news to herm she was over the moon. She was so happy to be having a child with you. I mean it was her dream ever since she was young. Natasha was super protective of you. She was never letting you do the simple things a normal person would do, like getting groceries, or cooking dinner for the two of you to eat.

"Baby, I can cook dinner tonight." You say to Natasha, lifting your head up a bit to look her in her eyes while your head laid on her lap. "Hmm, let me think. Nuh uh, not tonight my love, try again in a few months." She would say back to you, lifting you up and turning you towards her, leaning in for a kiss. "I love you so much Nat." You say to her effortlessly while looking her in her eyes. "I love you too detka, but now I have to go make dinner for the both of you." She says, placing both of her hands against your stomach and feeling it gently.

-Time skip, present day- Y/n Pov

As I walked out of the shower to go grab some clothes from Natasha and I's shared room, I walk in to see Natasha and y/s/n (your sons name) In bed together. He was sitting in Natasha's lap, watching Pbs kids that Natasha had turned on for him. Natasha was doing the same thing, staring at the Tv intensely while holding y/s/n and rubbing his stomach.

When I saw this I swear my heart melted. "Hi mama." y/s/n said as he stood up on the bed trying his best to run to you, but he fell. "Hi my love." You say to him, giving him a light kiss on the head while starting to make your way to Natasha.

"I didn't know you liked Pbs kids Nat." You said with a small smile on your face. "I really don't, it was y/s/n, and it was like they hypnotized me into liking it!" Natasha said frantically. "I'm only joking baby you say to Natasha, to which you lean in to kiss her on her lips. y/s/n turns his head around to see Natasha and I kissing "She's my mama mommy!" y/s/n says before running up to Natasha, jumping onto her lap to try and separate you two.

"I had mama before you bud." Natasha says picking him up and tickling him on his stomach. All that can be heard in the room is the show playing on the Tv and y/s/n giggling. "Mama's still mine." Y/s/n says with a big smile before running to you. "Help me Mama!" He says while Natasha gets on her knees reaching towards him, grabbing him once again and hugging him with a big smile on her face. "If you let me have mama, i'll let you have my serving at dinner tomorow." Natasha says letting y/s/n go. "Deal!" y/s/n says smiling at the thought of having two servings of ice cream.

I watch in content of my two babys arguing over me, it makes me so happy. "I'm going to go get changed Nat, can you go put y/s/n down to bed/" I say to her while walking to our walk-in closet. "Already on it my love." Natasha says before going to pick up y/s/n and carrying him to his room.

Natsha was gone for 10 minutes before coming back into the bedroom. "Hi baby." Natasha says before laying down on our bed. "Hi, Nat." I respond back to her and let her get comfortable on our bed.

"Did he go down easily?" I ask Natasha trying to start conversation. "Y/n I love you, but What type of question is that love? No he didn't. I spent 5 minutes chasing him around the house."

"Next time I'll put him down Nat." I say to Natasha before she pulls me into her arms. "It's okay honey, don't worry about it." Natasha says, before starting to play with my hair." "I really love you so much Nat, I don't know how I could live without you." I gently whisper to Natasha, pulling myself up and facing towards her. "I really love you Y/n" She reciprocates back and starts to pull my face into a kiss.

I kiss her back, it's a slow and passionate kiss. I pull back for air, and look her in her eyes and start to smile at her.

"We should probably start heading to bed baby, y/s/n is going to be up at like 6:45 and jumping on us to wake up like its Christmas." Natasha joked and I let out a little laugh. "It's adorable though, I wouldn't give it up for millions of dollars." I say, responding to her joke.

I get off of Natasha's lap and start to lay down on the sheets where Natasha and y/s/n were just playing. As soon as I get under the sheets, Natasha is already hooking her hands around my waist and pulling me closer into her. "Goodnight, Y/n I love you." Natasha says. "I love you too Nat."


. I'll honestly probs do a part 2 for this because this was kind of short ngl

. Please give me request I'm so desperate omg.

. Yeah that's it

Natasha Romanoff x Fem reader, One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now