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. Sorry, that it's been a few says since I updated. I've been pretty tired, but I'm back now!!

. If you have any request, I'd be happy to hear them as well.  


Third/second person Pov

It was your first week in the Avenger's household. Everyone was really supportive of your move in, always being nice trying their best to make you feel as comfortable as they could. And they did, you had a really close relationship to Wanda and Thor already in the week of you moving in. You could basically tell these two anything, even your little or maybe even big crush on this certain girl. Natasha Romanoff. 

You really liked this girl; you just didn't know if she liked you back. So that made it 10 times harder to talk to her. You two didn't really speak much to each other, usually flashing small mile to one another or having a mini conversation. Little did you know, Natasha felt the same way. And it hurt her every time you two would just simply walk past each other. Not knowing how to talk to you.

"Soooo, how's the Natasha and Y/n situation going?" Wanda asked, sitting on your bed with your head in between her lap, resting it on her stomach. You turned you head to face Wanda and start to blush.  "Uh, I'd rather not say." You say, unsure of how to tell Wanda the truth. "Comon, let me help you out, I can ask Natasha what she thinks about you...?" Wanda commends "Are you sure?" you questioningly ask her. "Of course, just leave it to me." And that's what you did.

That night when you went to bed all you could think about was how you and Natasha would end up as a couple. The next morning, you woke up. Getting ready to go downstairs and train. When you reached downstairs, you gave everyone a 'good morning' before making your way down to training room.

You were expected to be alone until you saw a familiar face. "Oh, hey. Good morning y/n" Natasha says, giving you a light smile before getting off the treadmill. "Hi Natasha, good morning to you too." You state, hoping you weren't making a fool of yourself. "How about we spar together? Only if you want that is." Natasha says getting a sip of her water, standing closer to you. "That sounds nice." You say. And with that you two are off sparring.

You throw a punch at Natasha, to which she blocks. She then grabs your arm and kind of wraps you around her back and throws you onto the ground and pins you there, so you're basically unable to move while she lays on top of you. "Ow, that shit hurt Nat." You wince, only know seeing the position that you were in. A layer of red stared to stir upon your face. "Sorry y/n." Natasha says. Her green eyes looking all over your face, never looking anywhere else. "You know, I really do like you y/n.' Natasha says with what it seems to be no worries in the world. The next thing you know she is slowly pushing her face towards your face. Leaning in. Having her soft lips meet your lips. You were taken away at the unanticipated movement. Your eyes widening and not moving with her until you fully process what is going on. That's when you close your eyes and move your lips with her lips.


. This is sooo bad, I just needed to get something out there though.

. I hope this is semi-good lololol.

. Have a good day or night!

Natasha Romanoff x Fem reader, One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now