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. Came from Tumblr, I update on there more if you want to check out my account: ilovenatasharomanoff2-0

. sorry for the wait lol

. this is better on tumblr trust


Natasha was taking you out on a date for your 6-month anniversary. She had devised the idea to take you out on a picnic date during the sunset. When you agreed to do this with her, a warm smile coated her face. It was something you loved to see and made you happy.

Once you had helped Natasha load the truck the two of you started to drive down to the park. Natasha immediately started to ramble on about the new Tv she started watching with her mom.

"Y/n, you won't believe me on how cool the CGI looked in this episode until you actually watch it with me. Please watch it with me." She says to you, turning her head to the side to see you looking at her. Her lips curled upwards before she turned her head back to the road.

"Mhm, I will Tash, but you gotta tell me when they air baby. You have a habit of watching the episodes and not telling me when you're watching them."

"Oh, yeah-I'll tell you next time, 'swear. I'm sorry!" She tells you, her hand running through her hair and returning right back to the wheel.

"No need to be sorry Nat, I know it wasn't on purpose so I'm not mad." You tell her, before looking out the window on your side. You stare at all of the tall buildings and people walking on sidewalks. It was one of the best things about living in the city.

The car was soon quiet with a comfortable silence. The only things you could hear were the soft music of the radio and cars driving past Natasha's.

you sat comfortably in the passenger seat, and you notice Natasha's hand slowly making its way to your knee, her touch feels warm and reassuring to you. She was too shy to move her hand up closer to your thigh even though the two of you have been dating for 6 months.

Her hand moved up on down slowly, she was hoping you wouldn't say anything about it. Natasha's head occasionally looked at you when you weren't looking. She loved you so much and never wanted to end it.

The last 5 minutes passed in the car. Natasha parked in a parking spot and got out of the car. You followed out and left the car as well, heading over to the trunk to get to blanket Natasha had bought just for this date. You smiled at it and looked at Natasha once more who was carrying the basket that had the food you two had bought, and her telescope.

"You really love that thing huh?" You ask her eyeing the telescope she had in her left hand, laughing a little.

"What? My telescope?" She responded back, closing the trunk and looking at you.

"Mhm, love it more than me?" You said back to her a fake pout coating over your face.

"No! I love you more than this telescope y/n! Sure, it was 3,000 dollars and I did have to do lots of begging for it, but I love you way more." Natasha pleaded with you, almost dropping the two things in her hand

"I was just joking Nat, of course, I know that you love me, my love. Now let's go find a good spot to set up this stuff Kay?"

She nodded her head slightly, trying not to make her glasses fall off of her face. Natasha locked the car and started walking over to the grassy area. You followed right behind her, catching up to her and walking beside her.

After strolling for a few minutes, the perfect spot to lay down your belongings finally revealed itself. It offered a beautiful vantage point to take in the stunning cityscape. Without delay, you began to unfurl the blanket, smoothing out the creases and placing it gently on the soft grass. Meanwhile, Natasha diligently assembled her trusty telescope, ensuring that it was properly aligned. so the both of you could see the stars and hopefully a planet.

Natasha Romanoff x Fem reader, One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now