Imagine this-part 1 (re-edited)

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. Okay this is just like the first imagine this that I made except I added some detail to it. 

. I have a Tumblr now and my user is ilovenatasharomanoff2-0 if you want to go check that out.


Imagine, Natasha in her Winter Soldier era with her straight hair, waking up next to you early in the morning. The sun slowly made an appearance through the many windows of her penthouse.

Natasha sits up steadily from her position on the comfortable bed to look over at you. You're frame had her in a chokehold, grazing her veiny hand over your sleeping body favorite parts of your body.

The way her cock started to rise at the thought of you made her want you more than ever. She palms herself through her boxers for a few minutes until she remembered something that you told her once. "Waking up to an orgasm would be the best way to wake up."

Natasha removes her hand from her boxers to tie her hair up in a messy ponytail, leaving some of her hair out in the front. (pls think of the Eren Yeager hairstyle on her I'm begging you)

She cautiously moved between your legs. Trying hard to not wake you up, looking over your body once more. She adored the baggy Radiohead shirt that you had stolen from her around your body. And the white lace panties you had on underneath.

She lifts up the stolen shirt high enough to see your bare chest. Opting out on wearing a bra to bed most nights. Natasha couldn't have been more thankful for the decision you had made last night.

Her hands give your boob's a small grope before traveling down your body again. Stopping when they got to your panties. Natasha started to rub your clit through your panties in a slow motion, trying her best to take her time with you.

Natasha positioned herself on her stomach, slowly moving her hips into the mattress that laid beneath her, letting out a small grunt before kissing up your inner thighs to your stomach.

You let out a small moan, to which Natasha immediately stopped her movements. She checked to make sure you didn't wake up, which thankfully for her, you didn't.

Natasha pushed apart your legs gently, She placed one of her hands on your hips. Her other hand was occupied, pulling the lace panties that she loved to the side.

Her hand making its way to your hole, collecting the wetness that she caused with two of her long fingers. She sticks them in her mouth and moans at the taste of you. It was something that she would never get tired of.

Natasha immediately starts to kitten lick your clit, closing her eyes in ecstasy. her tongue moving and licking your fold up and down.

Your hips buck up from the pleasure that you were receiving at the moment. Slowly starting to stir awake from your sleep.

"N-Natasha, fuck." You moan out lowly. You don't even have time to analyze what she was doing. Instantly throwing your head back from the sensation of your girlfriend between your legs.

"Good morning baby," Natasha tells you with a warm smile on her face, you can see her chin covered in your juices, getting slightly embarrassed that she was able to make you that wet, and you weren't even awake.

"God, you taste so good. I couldn't help myself Detka." Natasha moans out to you before shoving her face between your thighs. Your hands grip her hair trying to bring her closer to your cunt than she already was.

You let out a sudden moan when you feel Natasha's long fingers enter your cunt. She thrust them in and out at a rapid pace, trying to bring you to the edge faster. Her tongue switches from flicking and sucking your clit to, lazily licking up and down your pussy.

"Your pussy is so warm and tight around my fingers y/n. 'Can't wait to feel it around my cock."

Natasha's hips move faster into the mattress as well, her boxers slowly slipping down her thighs. Both of you were begging for that sweet release.

'Nat baby, oh my god." You moan out to her once more and started bucking your hips into Natasha's face. Thighs closing around her head.

"I-i'm gonna cum Natasha, please."

"I know baby. I can feel the way you're clenching around my fingers. Cum anytime my love"

After a few seconds of Natasha giving you permission to come you did. Letting out a loud moan and pushing the poor girls face away from your cunt.

Natasha slowed her hip movements down, Harshly gripping your thighs, Natasha let out a whimper before shooting hot spurts of cum out of her dick that landed on the duvet.

"I guess I was right about that being the best way to wake up," you tell Natasha as she sits back up against the bed.

"Guess you were right, but we aren't done," Natasha tells you. Her cock still standing up.

"I still want to fuck you y/n"


. I might update a bit slower cause I think I'm going to work on Tumblr for a bit, but I will update I promise. 

Natasha Romanoff x Fem reader, One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now