Mardy bum-Fluff

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. Okay, I know it has been few days since I've updated, I've had like no motivation to write. Lol.

. This is based off the song 'Mardy bum' from the band, Arctic Monkeys.

. No warnings!!

. Word count:680

. A shorter story today.

Y/n's Pov:

As soon as I woke up, I could already tell that something was up with Natasha. For starters, I could almost swear that I couldn't hear her get out of our shared bed, letting out an exhausted groan to go get ready for a workout with Steve. As she usually does.

When I looked up at her for my usually morning kiss on my forehead, there was nothing. She looked down at me with one of the biggest frown you've ever seen in the 3 years of us dating. And I have to say, it's honestly not a sight anyone should see.

"You okay Nat?" I ask her, unsure of what the problem was, last night we had such a fun time. Watching movies, making pizza to which we burnt. The sounds of laughter echoed through the kitchen that the Avengers used. The night ended with us cuddling on the couch with kisses all over my face, left by Natasha.

"Yeah, I'm fine Y/n. Just a little stressed and annoyed."  Natasha says looking directly into my eyes giving me a little smile of confirmation. But I could obviously tell that there was just more to her being stressed. "Well, we can just stay in today, Tasha, is that okay?" I said shifting my body, so my head is on her chest and our legs are entwined together. "I'd like that." Natasha says swiftly moving her hand up to my head and massaging my scalp gently, closing her eyes.

Seeing Natasha annoyed and apprehensive. It turns my whole day upside down honestly. But I always feel so privileged to be the one she shares her emotions with, knowing that she trusts me with her vulnerabilities.

While Natasha was off taking a nap, all my mind can go to is all the gratified times Natasha and I spent together. The times where we just laughed and joked around. It's the pleasant side of her that makes her so enjoyable to be around. That's why I feel in love with her. The side that I much prefer. Being with her when she just lets loose and expresses her emotions is like reaching pure nirvana, it's ecstatic. 

When Natasha does act this way, you could say it does get a bit challenging to remember these moments, it's just me trying to make her feel better. Which there is nothing wrong with of course. It can jet be a bit know? When she's all argumentative and she won't really listen to anyone but herself.

Time skip third/second person Pov

 Natasha woke up after about an hour and a half. Her baby hairs were spread all over her face. Her hair falling nicely over her defined jawline. Her eyes were squinted, still getting used to the natural light, trying to peak through the translucent window curtains. "Do you feel any better Nat?" Y/n asks, putting her phone down and looking over to her beautiful girlfriend. "I do, thank you for asking my love. This is why I love you. Always looking out for me." Natasha says, putting a soft smile over her face. 

Y/n soon forgets about how Natasha was this morning taking the time to just be in the moment with her. Natasha and Y/n just laid in bed the whole day watching movies and playing rock paper scissors to see who had to go get more snacks when the eventually ran out. The rest of the night was quiet and uneventful, no random outburst from tony, no vision coming into your shared bedroom and Wanda having to come get him and no Steve asking about how to use his computer for the millionth time. It was just how you two liked it.


Guys pls request if you have something, even if its small or silly. I swear I don't make fun. I cannot think of anything and it's getting on my nerves. 

Natasha Romanoff x Fem reader, One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now