First time for everything-Smut

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. all I can think of is G!p!virgin Natasha getting sucked off for the first time.

. Warnings: Natasha's going to be bottom today, sorry (not really) I don't know how to do warnings, not nothing triggering.

. Word count: 1199


Y/n pov

"Are you sure your parents will be gone for 3 days?" Natasha says as she comes through your front door, dropping her duffle bag down on the ground next to your combined shoes." 

"Yes, I promise you they'll be gone for 3 days. They even left me money to get take-out. Don't be scared." I say and look at her." 

"I-I'm not scared, I promise." Natasha says trying to back herself up. "Whatever makes you feel better Nat." I say to her before grabbing her hand and leading her towards my living room. As I sit down on my couch Natasha awkwardly stands there, not moving or anything. "You know you can sit down, right?" "Mhm." She says before taking a seat down next to me with an awkward sitting position.

"Natasha baby, make yourself comfortable." I try to assure her wanting her to feel like this was also her house. Natasha moves closer to me, which I find adorable. "What are we going to do y/n?" Natasha says softly while looking up at me.

"I was thinking we could order a pizza and watch 10 things I hate about you." I say to her. "That sounds really good Y/n." Natasha says before grabbing her phone so she could order the pizza while you put on the movie. 

After a couple of minutes, the movie starts playing and Natasha rest her head on my lap, I play with her hair while we both watch the movie. "That feels good y/n/n" Natasha says while you still playing with her hair. 


-time skip-

y/n pov

As time went on, the sun started to set. Natasha and I had finished eating the box of pizza and finished 10 things I hate about you. "What else do you want to watch my love?" I ask her. "How about American psycho?" She answers back to my question. "Alright, love." I tell her and I begin to play the movie on my Tv.

Natasha moves from her position on my lap to sitting upright on the couch will watching the movie. Her hand was placed on my thigh, not knowing how that made me feel. I shift around pn the couch for a little bit until I find a place that's comfortable for me. Nat notices after a while and gives me a confused glance. "Are you okay baby?" "Mhm, just a little uncomfy." "Well you could come sit on my lap then." Natasha asked sympathetically, trying to help you. "Are you sure Nat?" "Yes, I am sure y/n."

I move from my sitting position on the couch onto Natasha's lap, it's a nice change to say the least. My body was faced towards her, my arms were wrapped around her waist and my head tucked in between the crook of her neck. "Is this better y/n?" Natasha asked me, it was almost like a personal mission of her to make me feel as comfortable as I can. "Yes, Natasha. Thank you." I say to her.

After a few minutes of just sitting like this in silence while the movie plays in the background, I shift my hips once more underneath Natasha's hips. I didn't think too much about my movement until I felt something poking me underneath me. It didn't take me much longer to realize that Natasha was turned on from a small movement. 

-3rd/2nd person pov-

"Y/nnnn" Natasha whined to the girl that was on top of her. "Yes, my love." Y/n says to her, looking her in the eyes. "I-I don't really think you can sit on my lap anymore right now." "Why not Nat?" Y/n says to her, knowing the reason but acting oblivious to it. "I can't say." Natasha says as her face gets red at a fast rate. "If you say so." Y/n says before pulling herself off of Natasha's lap.

Natasha quickly got a pillow that was slaying on your couch and covered it over her hard-on, she really thought you wouldn't realize what was happening. "Can I help you Nat?" You ask her. "It's embarrassing though." Natasha says covering up her face. "It's not I promise. I'll make you feel so good love." You assure Natasha.

After uncovering her face, she gives you a quick nod of her head. You get off of the couch and get down on your knees, looking up at Natasha. "Are you sure you want me to do this Nat?" "Yes, i's sure. Just please h-help me y/n." "Okay baby."

You're quick to remove the pillow from the hard-on she was covering up in her sweatpants. "Baby, did I do this to you?" you ask to Natasha teasing her. All she does is blush even more at your question and let out a moan. You snake your hands up to Natasha's sweatpants, pulling them down to her mid-thigh. You swear you see her cock grow harder in her boxers. You start palming Natasha through her boxers to which she lets out a loud moan. 

Natasha never knew someone else touching her would feel this good. Sure, she had jerked off to porn before, but this wasn't the same, this was different. 

"Y/n" Natasha moaned out to you, you could tell she was getting needy and wanted more. You look up at her one more time to see if she is still on board, which she is. You slowly move your hands away from her cock, leaving in emptiness within Natasha but that slowly disappeared when you pulled down her boxers. Her cock sprung out of her boxers and hit her abdomen. Pre-cum leaked from the tip of her head. Natasha threw her head back on the couch waiting in anticipation for you to do something.

"Y/n please, I need you. Please baby." Natasha started whimpering to you. "I've got you love." You told Natasha. 

You bring your head closer to Natasha's cock and start to kiss up her length till you get to the tip of her cock. You jerk her off slowly before putting your mouth around her cock. Natasha only moans loudly at your actions, loving the way your mouth felt around her. She could already tell she wasn't going to last long. As you took more and more of her in your mouth, Natasha started thrusting her hips into your mouth. 

"Y/n, i-i'm so close baby. P-please don't stop." Natasha says before shutting her eyes tightly. She grips onto your hair, pushing you further and further on her cock. Long moans fall out of her mouth as she works her hips into your mouth.

Without a warning, Natasha comes undone in your mouth, letting out one last moan before looking at you. "Was that good for you baby?" You ask her looking up at her, "That was so good y/n. Thank you for what you did tonight" Natasha says to you. "Your welcome baby, but who said we were done?" 


. should I make another part to this?

. sorry I haven't been updating, I've just been really busy with moving.  

. yeah

Natasha Romanoff x Fem reader, One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now