Save a horse ride a cowgirl-smut

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. It's been a while since I updated, oops.

. G!p Cowgirl Natasha (going feral) maybe think of her with a slight country accent with her deep raspy voice bro

. I'm trying to make this super good to make up for not updating, lol

. Warnings: hand-job(nat receiving) sub but then dom Natasha, Riding, unprotected sex (wear a condom)

. Word count:2065


2nd person pov

It was a stressful day for Natasha out on the farm. Gathering all the cattle, feeding all of the horses, keeping all of her animals under maintenance, and fixing the fences that her animals broke.

While you on the other hand, were tending to the house. Moving down to the countryside with Natasha was a difficult challenge, being that you only lived in the big city of New York for all of your life. But it was something you could get used to, especially since your loving wife was with you.

As Natasha was working out on the field you started to cook one of her favorite dinners, you knew she was stressed based on the times she came inside to get water. And how she would slam the door shut a bit harder from when she wasn't in a mood. 

While grabbing a pot from the dishwasher you slightly gaze through the window that was above the counter and sink. That slight gaze turned into a long stare. You were watching Natasha cut some wood for the fireplace. Her tank top was off, leaving her in a sports bra and tight flare jeans. The way her back muscles would flex when she brought her axe up and quickly threw it down onto the wood. And how she would bring her hand up to her face every now and then to wipe of the sweat that was forming across her face. And how her abs would move with every hard breath she took. And how you could see the bulge in her tight pants.

It was driving you wild. You got out of your haze and continued to get the things you needed to make dinner for tonight. By the time dinner was cooked and set up on the oak table, Natasha came in through the door. Shirt still off and in her hand.

"Hey baby." Natasha says to you while taking off her shoes and leaving them by the front door. "Hi my love." you say back to Natasha, and she pulls you into a hug. Her muscles wrapping around your waist while your head dug into her chest. "Smells good in here y/n/n, what'd you make?" Natasha questionly ask you before taking off her hat and walking into the laundry room to put her shirt in the washing machine and grabbing a new one to put on. 

"Your favorite Nat." you say to her with a smile over your face, hoping this could help her stress go away. Even if it was only a little bit. "You made (just think of what you think she'd like)?" Natasha asked you, hoping she was right. "Yes Nat." You say to her. Natasha looked over to you from the laundry room and started to smile, just like you did. "Thank you y/n!" Natasha says coming back over to you and giving you a quick kiss on the lips before making her way into the dining room.


time skip

After dinner was over you started to collect the dishes that were left behind. "Do you need any help love?" Natasha asked you. "No, you just go relax, I know you've had a hard day Nat." You say back to Natasha and with that Natasha starts to make her way to the living room lying down and waiting for you.

Once you were done washing the dishes and putting them in the dishwasher, you walk over to Natasha who had a movie playing while she waited on you. "Hey Nat." You say to her and sit on her lap. "Hi babe." Natasha says to you, kissing you on the lips with some passion to it. "Missed you today." Natasha says putting her head on your neck and gently kissing it. You let out a small moan and looked at Natasha. "Missed you too baby." You tell Natasha as if you guys have been separated for 3 years. 

Natasha Romanoff x Fem reader, One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now