Lay me down-Smut

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Requested story: Fem Reader is fangirling that G!P Natasha is using her dorm room as part of an undercover mission. G!P Natasha finds Fem Reader's infatuation cute and decide to make things more memorable by having the two of them make out and fuck each other for the entire night.

. I'll try my best to do this as best as possible! 

. Song kind of brings out the mood for this chapter!

. Warnings (G!P Natasha, oral (Natasha receiving), dirty talk, older Natasha, unprotected sex: USE CONDOMS!!, vaginal sex)

Word count: 2,400


You were in your dorm room, laying on your small twin-sized bed. Y/n had recently gotten done with her homework, just trying to find something to kill the time. Looking up at your celling, you were caught in a daze. You're suddenly lured out of that gaze when someone unexpectedly walks through your dorm's door. 

Y/n's Pov

I was staring at my celling, being bored out of my mind. All of a sudden, my opening of my dorm room's door was abruptly opened. You could say I was shocked by the sudden interaction. Lifting my upper body off of the diminutive bed, my eyes searched around the door, only to find one of the most resplendent women I've ever seen. I couldn't quite pinpoint what made me immediately fall for her. Maybe it was her glowing red hair? Or maybe it was those luminous green eyes. MY eyes traveled down her body, unable to help myself at the moment. When my eyes found their way up to her face once again, I could see her staring at me with a little smirk. 

I really could've fainted right there and then. A heavy shade of red rushed through my cheeks at a vigorous pace. "Like what you see?" the transient stranger said. Making blush just a little more. "I-um, yes. I mean no. Well, yes...?" I recklessly state, not having anything go through my mind. My hand travels to my thigh, quickly giving it a little wipe then putting it back on the bed. "It's okay, I don't mid. It's cute." She said, wandering into my dorm room, breathing in every asset of the room.

I had a nicely decorated dorm room, or that's what I like to think of it. (Imagine the room as you'd want it to be) She placed her things down near my desk, still messy and all due to the homework I was working on. "So, what's your name?" I suddenly ask to break the awkward silence and break the tension. "Natasha. Natasha Romanoff, and you are y/n y/l/n." I shift my body towards her, since she sat in my desk chair, with an astound look on my face. "How do you know that? You know what, don't even answer it. I don't want to know." I say, thoughts downing my brain. She giggled a bit from what I said. "What are you doing here?" I once again ask her another question. "It's for a mission, I'll be crashing here for a few days, okay?" she bluntly states still looking all over the place. "Yeah, sure, I guess. Not like you have a choice."  

I mummer the last part. Somewhat hoping she heard it. I really wanted Natasha here. I mean, who wouldn't? She's hot and intriguing, she makes me feel something that no one else has ever made me feel. IT was weird you have to admit, but you weren't complaining. 

Third person Pov + Time skip

It was dark a few hours after Natasha arrived. Y/n and Natasha had some nice conversations, the awkwardness of it all was slowly dropping. And the both of them became more comfortable with each other. Natasha found it so adorable how y/n would stare at her with awe and acclamation. Or when she would look into Natasha's eyes with a glowing gaze, she loved it. 

Natasha Romanoff x Fem reader, One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now