Stay in bed with me-Fluff

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. I think I might try to do one to two post a day, that's my hope. So don't get mad if I don't update one day guys!!

. Shorter post

. (531 words)

. No warnings at all.


-Third/second person Pov-

The alarm rung and the morning birds started their terrorizing chirping, indicating that it was time for you to get out of bed. The early morning sunrise could vaguely be spotted by the two lovers in the room if they opened their eyes. Y/n slowly stirred awake, moving her body to get out of bed to start getting ready for her training with Wanda. But all of a sudden, all Y/n can feel is two pairs of arms bringing themselves up onto her waist and above. Slowly bringing her back, she can feel the body of her girlfriend snuggling closer to her. Bringing her head down into Y/n's neck.

"Just, stay with me in bed today. Please," The red head said in her morning voice, be raspier than ever. Giving Y/n the warmest feeling deep down in ger stomach. "Wanda and I are supposed to be training today baby." You slowly respond back to your lover, flipping yourself over to your other side, where you were able to see Natasha's face. "I really don't want you to go though, 'wanna be with you all day." Natasha states out, practically begging the poor girl to stay with her today. Y/n wants to say no, but seeing the sight Infront of her of her girlfriend wanting her to stay in bed makes it hard.

"Let me just text Wanda to tell her I can't train with her today." You say before flipping over again and make an attempt to grab your phone. That is until Natasha grabs your arm with a strong grip and moves it back to the bed. "No." she plainly states before wrapping her arms around you again. She couldn't resist you; you were too tempting for her. You can't see it, but you can almost tell that she lays a smirk on her face, knowing she got you to fall in her trap. Her face only nuzzles deeper into Y/n's neck, as she lets out a sigh.

Natasha whispers sweet nothings into your ear, saying anything to get you to smile. And she succeeds at this mission. Loving the way that she talks to you. Natasha pulls you up onto her chest and kisses you. She pulls back just to adore your face and gives you a few more pecks on your lips, before you eventually let your head rest on her chest.

When you do decide to get out of bed to get eat breakfast with the rest of the team, Natasha follows you around like she's a lost puppy and clings to you. She sits right next to you while you're eating breakfast, has her hands on your waist while you're washing your dishes, holding you close as you shower together and when she pushes you back on your shared bed to cuddle once again. "I really love this Y/n, but I think I love you more," Natasha says before she's falling back into another slumber. You're left their smiling into the air, processing what she has just said.


. I think I might try to do one to two post a day, that's my hope. So don't get mad if I don't update one day guys!!

. I think I might try to do one to two post a day, that's my hope. So don't get mad if I don't update one day guys!!

. I hope this was also a good writing, lol.

. Maybe I'll post another story today but that's very undecided for.

Natasha Romanoff x Fem reader, One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now