Shower sex-Smut

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. I think I did a good job updating this and not waiting like 6 weeks.

. Kinda soft 

. Warnings: G!p Natasha, unprotected sex (wear a condom) P in v, fingering. Idk.

. Word count: 904


Third/ second person Pov:

Sunlight peaks through an open window in your shared room. Natasha slowly brings your body closer to her warm one. Natasha slowly runs her hands up and down your back while spooning you. Natasha gradually starts to wake up, admiring your sleeping form.

"It's time to wake up, beautiful." Natasha says bringing her hands up to a higher position and play with your hair. You groan loudly, but soon start to open your eyes to see your gorgeous girlfriend Infront of you.

"Good morning baby." You say to Natasha while smiling at her softly. Natasha reciprocates the smile and pulls you in closer to her body. "Good morning my love." Natasha says and starts to pull away from your body to give your lips a soft kiss. 

You pull away from the kiss and start to make your way out of bed. Natasha sits up in the soft bed that you two share and watches you. 

You grab clothes from your shared closet and start to head to the bathroom. "Where are you going?" Nat ask, her morning voice making you go crazy. "I'm just going to shower Nat. Do you want to join?" You ask her. She doesn't need to respond before she gets out of the comfy bed and starts to head to the bathroom. You smile at her actions and make your way towards the large bathroom.

Natasha turns the water on to a luke warm temperature before helping you take your clothes off. When she's done taking off your clothes, she stands there and admires your body. From top to bottom, she loves it all. "My eyes are up here Nat." You tell her, which she rolls her eyes at and starts to undress herself.

You hop in the shower while Natasha follows shortly after you, "You know that you're so beautiful, right?" Natasha says, while slowly leaning into you, wrapping her arms around your waist. Closing her eyes and dropping her head into your neck.

"Well when it comes from you, yes." You say which makes her smile. 

Natasha starts to kiss your neck, making you moan a bit. "I love you" Natasha says, before turning you around, pushing you against the shower's sliding doors. Natasha goes in to kiss your lips, it's passionate and soft at the same time. 

"You're going to drive me crazy baby." You say to Natasha, looking at her while she makes her way down, kissing every inch of your body. She makes her way back up to your neck and starts leaving love bites everywhere. You let out another moan, but this time it's a bit louder. This only makes Natasha smile once again. She lowers her hand down to your pussy and starts to rub your clit in a slow motion, but just enough pressure so you can feel pleasure from it.

"Always make me feel so good baby." You say to Natasha, looking at her. Natasha slowly inserts two of her fingers into your pussy and thrust them in and out. You let your head roll back against the doors. Your eyes shutting with Natasha's interactions. "You feel so good around my fingers my love, Jus' want to feel you on my cock already." "I want you to be inside me Nat." And with that, Natasha pulls her fingers out of your pussy and licks her fingers.

"Always taste so good for me baby." Natasha says. She leans in to kiss you again, you can feel her hard cock on your thigh as she kisses you with passion. She soon pulls away and grabs her cock. Jerking it off a bit before lining it up with your entrance. Pushing the tip in slowly, letting you take her inch by inch.

"You're so tight baby, no matter how many times I use this pretty pussy, you're always so tight for me." Natasha says before putting her head back into your shoulder while grasping your waist. "So good Nat" you say, closing your eyes and letting out a loud moan. 

Natasha starts to thrust her hips at a slow pace, very quickly finding your g-spot. "Right that baby." You yell out to Natasha and grasp her back. Natasha also lets out some grunts and moans, holding onto you tightly while she whispers soft praises into your ear. 

"So pretty and perfect for me detka." Natasha starts to speed her hips up at an uneven pace, you can tell that she's close. "Are you close baby? I can't go on much longer when you clench around me like that." Natasha says starting to whimper into your ear. "I'm almost there baby. Don't stop." And with that, the both of you come undone at the same time. Natasha quickly taking her cock out of you, giving it a few pumps and coming on your stomach. 

You wrap your arms around Natasha, helping each other get through your high's. "That was really good baby." Natasha says, looking at you. "You're the reason why it was so good." You say to her. 

Natasha smiles at your statement. "We should probably wash up." Natasha says, looking down at your stomach, that still has her cum over it. "Good idea." You say. 


. I don't know how to end these bro.

. On the shorter side, but oh well.

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