Lover's rock-Fluff, Smut

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. Yay, second writing in the same day!! Every time I see this photo it makes me want to fucking combust.

. Warnings: kind of? (Making out, oral (fem receiving), cowgirl, g!p Natasha, hickeys.)

. Highschool au Natasha x Highschool au fem reader 

. Listen to the song, or don't. I don't really care.

(2549 words)


Y/n's Pov

"Jesus fucking Christ," I murmur to myself and run as fast as I can to my classroom. This really isn't the best impression for the first day of school. Somehow, I managed to sleep in today, not my best moment, but maybe I can try and make this day better. As I'm running to my classroom, I bump into someone causing some sort of chain reaction of both of us to go falling onto the floor. "Owww, that shit fucking hurt." I exaggerate to the unknown person. "Yeah, sorry about that." She says in an apologetic tone As I start to get back up, I start to actually get a good look at the 'stranger', and my god, is she pretty. She has this fiery, red hair and these intriguing green eyes. She's wearing an 'I heart hot moms' shirt and these dark blue baggy jeans. I cough a bit to try and cure the awkward silence. She ends up standing up before me, giving me her hand, she helps me stand up. I observe her for just a few more seconds noticing how veiny her hands and arms are, followed by some rings. And God, I could almost pass out. I don't even know this girls name and she has a major effect over me. "My name's Natasha by the way, if you just um, wanted that you know, information." Natasha says, pulling me out of my dazed state, "Pretty name Natasha." And I internally cringe from what I've just said. "My name's Y/n." I say shyly blushing at the way she looks deeply at me. "I should get going to my class, sorry for the bumping into each other." Natasha says aloud after the seconds of silence. "Yeah, me too and it's okay. It was my fault, so need to apologize." I say and look anywhere but her eyes, trying hard to avoid her piercing gaze. After that awkward interaction we both go our ways.

Natasha's Pov

I've just bumped into the prettiest girl I've ever seen, and I just had to go make it an awkward situation. She told me her name was Y/n, and I find it so fitting for her, a beautiful name for a beautiful girl. I really hope that I get to see her again. All my mind can think about is her. Her y/h/c (Your hair color) hair and how my fingers could play with it for days on end, and her secluded y/e/c (your eye color) eyes would light up my way through the dark. Suddenly my thoughts come to an abrupt end as I enter my first class of the day. After my lecture from my homeroom teacher, I look around to see if there are any open seats and to my surprise my eyes immediately lay upon Y/n. She singles me over so, and I casually walk to her, just to annoy my teacher even more. He starts his lecture of the day back up and I just sit there bored as ever. I look over to Y/n and start to look at those beautiful features again, that pulled me in from the start. That is until she quickly looks over at me and looks at me with a questioning look and just by her face, I get embarrassed. My face starts to heat up and my eyes widen a bit. I try not to look her way but it's hard, when the prettiest girl you've ever seen is sitting right next to you. After class is over, I walk up to y/n. "Um, hi y/n I was um wondering if I could maybe get your phone number...?" I ask her nervously. "Oh yeah, of course you can it's no big deal." she says and then looks up at me with this angelic smile and it draws me in some sort of chokehold.

Time skip


Natasha Romanoff x Fem reader, One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now