Imagine this- smut

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Imagine nerdy Natasha sneaking over to your house right before you go to bed. The round glasses adorning her face would be askew, and her breathing would be labored; you could see the sweat on her forehead.

"Jesus, Natasha, you scared the shit out of me!" you tell her quickly, turning around from where you are sitting at your vanity.

"I'm sorry y/n! I just - can I...can I eat you out? Please! I just need to taste you; I can't get it out of my head, y/n!" Natasha stands there quietly; you can see blush building up on her face while she looks down at her shoes.

"Tash, I haven't taken a shower yet."

"That's okay! I just need you right now."

You let out a small sigh that becomes a smile. You get up from the vanity seat and make your way to Natasha, bringing her into a hug.

"If you need me that bad, go ahead; I can't turn down you eating me out, huh?" You whisper into her ear before pulling away from her.

Natasha quickly gets down on her knees and pulls your shorts and panties down, her glasses starting to fog up from her fast actions. She shoves her face into your pussy, tongue kitten licking your clit. Her hands shoot up to hold your thighs in her hands.

A small moan leaves your mouth as you place your hands in her hair. Her mouth stopped their teasing actions, and lapping up your juices, a low groan could be heard coming from Natasha.

"Tatse so good wanna do this forever." She mumbles out to her, her words slurring into your cunt.

"Yeah? Need my pussy that bad?" you tell her before letting out a loud moan when Natasha placed her thumb on your clit while she lapped at your pussy.

She inched herself closer to your leg, pressing her hard-on on you. Slowly bucking her hips into you.

"You're so cute, Natty, even need my help to get yourself off." Your hands make a makeshift ponytail with her long hair and shove her face into your pussy.

"F-feels good." Natasha stutters to you, moving one of her hands away from your thighs and up to your cunt, pushing 2 fingers into your tight hole.

"Oh my god, Natasha, Keep doing that!" You watched as Natasha slowly pushed her fingers inside you, your mouth hanging open. Natasha's tongue moving to circle your clit.

Natasha brings the other hand on your thigh down to her sweatpants, palming her bulge while she eats you out.

Natasha speeds up as she fingers you, occasionally curling her fingers, hitting your g-spot.

"Such a good girl for me, Nat! I'm so close, baby." She lets out moan after moan, the vibrations from her voice only bringing you closer and closer to the edge.

"Fuck Natasha!" You moan out to her before reaching your high. You buck your hips into her mouth several times to ride off your orgasm.

Natasha pulls her face away from her cunt, her glasses are far off her eyes, and her hair is disheveled. Her mouth is covered with your juices. You look down at her lower body and still see her palming herself.

"Can I eat you out again?" 

Natasha Romanoff x Fem reader, One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now