Back to the old house-Angst

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. I labeled this as angst, but I think it's just sad.

. This is my first sad story like ever so I'm sorry if this is awfully cringy to read lol.

. This is kind of based on the song, 'Back to the old house' by the smiths. The music is down below. You can listen or not, I honestly don't really care that much.

. Also, I recommend checking out the louder than bombs album by the smiths if you liked this song. I have this record and it's really good.

Word count: 1818 words

Warnings: Mentions of suicide and self-harm? Overall, just really sad, well to me, :(


Third/Second person Pov: Flashback

You and Natasha stood Infront of your newly owned house, ready to start a new beginning together. Just the two of you, maybe even have a little one of you guys running around the brand-new house while you two sat on the leather couch, watching them run around the in awe. Having sips of your wine, while an age-appropriate show played on a low volume in the back.

It was the dream for the both of you, moving out of the Avengers tower. Wanting some privacy for yourselves. Natasha eventually retired from her position from an avenger, but still went to do visit them on a daily basis. She was still family to every single one of them after all.

"This place is so beautiful Tasha; I can't believe we are actually doing this." You say to Natasha, still looking back up at the house. You couldn't take your eyes off the precious building that stood Infront of you. "It is pretty hard to believe Detka, but I'm glad I'm spending my time with you." Natasha says turning your way, giving you a vivid look before walking back over to the car to grab the luggage that was crammed into the trunk.

You two made it inside the tranquil house, taking time to just look around the beautiful house. The both of you deigned the house to your liking, thinking that you two would spend the rest of your lives in this house, together, right next to each other.

"This is really beautiful Nat; I didn't know it would turn out like this!" You say in pure astonishment, Natasha could only give you a gratifying smile as she also observed the inside of the house. From the marbled counters of the kitchen to the light oak wood floors. Natasha was utterly in love with you, and she had no way to hide it.

Natasha's Pov: Present time

I would rather not go.
Back to the old house

I would rather not go.
Back to the old house
There's too many.
Bad memories
Too many memories

I stood at the exact same place where Y/n and I stood as soon as we made it to our new house. I avoided going in here for the longest time, not being able to bare what laid deep below this house. Everyday it's harder and harder to not think about her. It's hard to not cry so much, to the point where you are out of breath. It's so hard to even know why she did it? The bad memories will always lay in my mind. No matter how many times someones says "It's going to be okay Natasha." it will never be okay.

I'm only at this certain house to pick up the rest of Y/n's belongings. As I walk up the steps that lead to the front door all I can think about is when Y/n and I would wait on the side of steps, food in hand and just talk and have a good time. Those are some of my favorite memories of us together. They will always have a special place deep down in my heart, I don't think I could ever forget the moments like that. 

As I walk in the front door, I'm greeted by our coat rack, all of our coats still hanging on the same places, even Y/n's (Mine) hoodie that she would always wear, I loved when she wore it while we were in bed together and I held her close to my body. Smiling at the thought, I continue walking around the house.

When you cycled by
Here began all my dreams.
The saddest thing I've ever seen.
And you never knew.
How much I really liked you.
Because I never even told you
Oh, and I meant to

Third/Second person Pov: Flashback

"Natasha don't you're going to ruin the cookies!" You state, in a giggly mood, You and Natasha were baking cookies when she started to add extra things that the recipe didn't call for. "So, you're saying you aren't going to like my cookies baby?" Natasha says with a bunch of sarcasm in her voice. "No, actually scratch that. Yes, yes I will hate the cookies."  You tell Natasha, instantly regretting what you had said.

"Y/n, I'm giving you 5 seconds to run" Natasha says with a almost visible smile. And that was when you made a run for it, running as fast as you could around the entire house until you felt a pair of calloused hands touch your waist. Pulling you back, you both fell on the ground. You landed on top of Natasha, after about 3 seconds of eye contact with each other you both laughed. You pulled your face into Natasha's and kissed.

Natasha's Pov: Present time

Are you still there?
Or have you moved away?
Or have you moved away?

I made my way up to the shared bedroom that you two would sleep in every night. It was still so hard for me to enter the room, Y/n died almost 6 months ago, but it still feels like it was just yesterday. 

All I can see when I walk into the room is Y/n lying unconscious, blood running downing her arms at a rapid rate. Not seeing to stop anytime soon. I ran towards her as fast as I can holding her towards me as close as I could. I knew I couldn't help her; she was almost gone by the time I found her. "You can't leave me Y/n, not this way. We were supposed to have a family Y/n. Why?" I speak to her, crying my eyes out at the sight. I just didn't understand why. I never even told her how much I liked her in her last moments of living, it was just unfair.

I take a quick scan around the room. On her side of the nightstand, I see her glasses, the dust collected upon the frames, but they were off centered. I walk over to them and pick them up, letting out a few tears remembering how they looked on her perfect face, a sight that I hope I will never forget. 

I would love to go.Back to the old houseBut I never willI never willI never will

I take the rest of her stuff will be in a under armor bag, I walk through the house one more time and make my way out, I take one last look at the house before getting back into my car and driving away. I'd like to go back to the house, but deep down inside I know that I will never go back.

Natasha Romanoff x Fem reader, One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now