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 . I'm finally updating!

. I'm sorry that I haven't been posting recently, many unexpected practices came up for a few hours, so I was pretty tired. :((

. My hopes are to make my story's a bit shorter and update more.

. Warnings: smut, oral (fem receiving) Unprotected sex. (Please use condoms!!) and that's like it lol. sorry if I missed anything!!

. Word count: 1954

. G!P Natasha Romanoff invites her best friend Fem Reader to her apartment to share the sex tape that she made with G!P Sharon Carter so that there won't be anymore secrets between them. After watching G!P Natasha and G!P Sharon grind their cocks against each other on TV, Fem Reader confess that G!P Natasha's cock is prettier, which leads to them making love until they snuggle in bed together.


Natasha's Pov

The relationship between Y/n and I have been pretty tense. It's the easiest way I can summarize things for now. We've always told each other that we would tell one another everything. I we meant everything's, that could be ranging from our first celebrity crush to Y/n's first period. You get the idea. I start to walk away from my couch and walk over to my phone, getting ready to call Y/n over.

Third/ second person Pov

Natasha makes her way over to her phone and starts to call Y/n, hoping that their friendship wouldn't be awkward or strained. 

"Hey Y/n, can you come over? I just need to talk to you about something." Natasha says, A slight shake in her voice. She try's her best to cover it up though, taking slow but also fast breaths. "No, yeah that's fine. I'll be right over." Y/n says. Natasha can already hear her starting to get her stuff ready to go to her place, her heart starts beating faster. Multiple thought's race through Natasha's mind. Maybe she was just overthinking the whole situation? She didn't know and that was the worst part of all of it, is that she didn't know what the outcome of the situation would be. 


Time skip

Eventually, Y/n made it to Natasha's apartment in the city. Cars were passing by Y/n as she just stood at the apartment's sidewalk, just looking at it. Also having thoughts about why Natasha called her so late. Maybe she was hurt? It was hard to believe given that the girl that she had a crush un was an assassin, but it could happen.

Y/n's Pov   

 I walked up the steps to Natasha's apartment, the concreate making a calming noise beneath my feet and before I knew it, I made it up to her front door. Knocking two times, I waited their until she came out of the door. "Hi Y/n, I'm soooo glad you were able to come right now. Seriously." Natasha said to me, before grabbing my hand and pulling me inside. I blushed at her sudden antics, hoping that she didn't see the red spread across my face. " You're welcome, Nat. but why did you need me? You know that it is pretty late." I say, with a bit of sarcasm in my voice. 

"Honestly Y/n, you think that I don't know that?" Natasha says before pulling me by her side and ruffling my hair, making it slightly messy. "Nattttt, stop." I complain to her, which she just smirked at. "Okay Y/n, I'm just going to be straight up Eith you. You know how we said that we wouldn't keep secrets from each other, well I have a secret that I've been hiding from you." Natasha says to me. I'm not mad or anything, in fact in didn't really bother me that much. "Okay? Am I supposed to be sad about that Nat, you need to make your point clear right now or i'm walking out this door." I bluntly state.

Natasha Romanoff x Fem reader, One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now