Double take-smut

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. Update yay

. Came from my tumblr: ilovenatasharomanoff2-0

Warnings: Spanking, oral (r receiving), Strap on sex (r receiving), Dirty talk, Sending nudes, masturbating, marking, and I think that's it


The desolate and poorly illuminated room persisted in its frigid state. The absence of your beloved girlfriend was palpable, leaving you in solitude once more.

As you shifted onto your side, a sudden gasp escaped your lips, echoing in the empty room. The sheets beside you were void of Natasha's presence, serving as a harsh reminder of her absence for the next five days. Though it may seem like a short duration to some, the void left by her departure was palpable, as your reliance on her was immense.

As you lay in bed, restlessly shifting from side to side, the once perfectly tucked-in sheets have now become a mess, crumpled and scattered all over. The temperature in the room seemed to rise as your mind was fixated on the thoughts of Natasha.

As you reminisce about the past, you can't help but recall the sweet words she whispered in your ear. Her assurances that you were the epitome of perfection and that she could never imagine being with anyone else send a small but genuine smile to your lips.

You longed for her presence, yearning to feel her warmth beside you once more.

As you reach out to the nightstand to grab your phone, the dimly lit room offers a sense of comfort. Your fingers feel the cool surface of your phone as your eyes struggle to adjust to the sudden flash of your lock screen. You notice a few notifications, mostly from Wanda and Carol. However, the one message you were hoping for, from Natasha, is nowhere to be seen.

As you glance at your phone, you realize that it's already 4:36 in the morning. You put it back on the nightstand and attempt to fall back asleep. However, you find yourself tossing and turning and unable to drift into slumber. With nothing else to do, you unlock your phone and peruse through your contacts. You stop at Natasha's name, contemplating whether or not to message her. You hesitate, whispering to yourself, "Should I really text her?" while gazing at her contact, unsure if you should initiate a conversation.

Your mind is filled with uncertain thoughts. However, you crave her presence so deeply, yearning for the warmth of her embrace, the comfort of her cuddles, the kisses she would give you, and the touch of her fingers...

A sudden idea strikes your mind, causing you to sit up on the bed. A small but meaningful smirk adorns your face as you ponder over the thought. You proceed to pull your shirt over your head, lost in deep contemplation. Leaving you in only a bra and panties.

Still looking over her contact, you press the screen gently. Allowing you to see the previous texts from a few days ago. Pressing the camera icon, you angle the phone so it can capture your body. Your chin was left in the fame. The camera mostly focuses on your white lace bra and white lace thong. The camera captured you sitting on your knees. One of your hands rested on your thigh while the other hand pressed the button to get the photo. After carefully examining the photo, you come to the conclusion that it could make Natasha think of you in a way that she would need you. You decide to add a heartfelt caption that reads, "Miss you so much baby <3" trying to throw her mind off guard from the photo on top of the message and confidently press the send button.

It's impressive how quickly Natasha responded to the message in just five minutes. Right now, all you can see is the three dots, which means she's working on her reply. You feel a little nervous, of course, you've shared photos like this before. Just, not while Natasha was on a mission. You honestly didn't know how she was going to react to it.

Natasha Romanoff x Fem reader, One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now