Chapter 5

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(A/N: I have school, so uploads take a little more time.)


My jewel encrusted red dress flowed behind me as I ran frantically around the pack house looking for Alek.

He promised to stay by my side through this entire event. I don't want to sound like one of those clingy girlfriends- girlfriend? He hasn't even asked me out.

I, Marley Newton, am a clingy girlfr-mate?

But I mean, we've slept in the same bed already. I think we could be considered official. And I'm getting initiated into the pack as his Luna, we're basically freaking married.Whatever, now was not the time to dwell on our relationship status. Now was the time to kill Alek.

No one, and I mean NO ONE told me that so many packs would be at this initiation. Being initiated into the pack as any other she-wolf would have been a piece of cake. But I'm going to be a Luna in about 15 minutes. I'm about 90% sure that most of the pack will be let down when they see and meet me. That's why I've been dodging mostly all the pack members when they try to mingle.

"Luna Marley!" A random man hollered, walking swiftly over to me, two drinks in his hands. I hope he's not expecting small talk. I have successfully dodged every conversation someone tried to start with me for the past 45 minutes. I'm not going to stop now.

"Care for a drink Luna?" He bowed offering me the light brown bubbly liquid. "No thanks." I pushed the drink back roughly, ready to sprint away. I obviously pushed the drink away a little too roughly. The man now stood in front of me drenched, looking angry as hell.

"You stupid bi- Alpha Alekkk! I was just telling your mate she looked ravishing tonight!" He fake laughed, he sounded like he was weezing.

"Scram Martin." Alek barked. I turned to face Alek with an annoyed look on my face. "We'll look who decided to join the fucking party. Where have you been?" I whisper shouted. He wrapped his arms around me. "I had to discuss things with a fellow alpha. Calm down baby, I'm here now. Are you scared?" He cooed, caressing my cheek.

I leaned into his touch, closing my eyes. "Terrified." I sighed.

"Everyone is going to love you, I'm sure of it. You're wonderful. Come on, we gotta head to the balcony for the ceremony." Alek tugged me towards the stairs that lead to the balcony. Lord, take me now.


Alek has been giving the humongous crowd the initiation speech for the past 10 minutes. My hands were sweating, and I couldn't breath.

"...introducing your Luna, and my mate, Marley!" My head snapped up at the mention of my name. The crowd cheered, looking anxious for me to stand up so they could get a good look at me, better than the one they saw zooming by them earlier.

Alek was smiling back at me, reaching his hand out for me to take it. I carefully stood up, shuffling to his side. I tried to hide behind his muscly arm, but he must've noticed because he pushed me to stand in front of him. Remind me to strangle him later.

"Although Marley and I haven't known each other for a long time, I feel like she is the most special person I have ever met. I'm proud to call her my mate, and your Luna!" Alek yelled, raising both of my arms into the air.

Alek passed me the microphone, giving me a reassuring smile on the way.

I cleared my throat and it sounded out into the whole room. "Oops." The whole crowd started laughing. "Um. Hi, I'm Marley, of course. Um. I've never had a title or role like this before so be patient with me. I know a lot of you didn't get to talk to me tonight, but I'm excited to meet everyone. I'll do my best at being 'Luna,' of this pack. And oh yeah! Alek! He's the sweetest man ever, and I'm glad I'm getting to experience this, and the rest of my life hopefully, with him."

The crowd awed and clapped. Alek came up wrapping his arms around me, and taking the microphone. "Enjoy the rest of your nights!"

We walked back down the stairs, into the mix of people. "You did great baby. I'm proud of you." Alek hugged me, inhaling the smell of my hair.

Blake and Tanya walked over. "Welcome to the pack Marley." Blake hugged me. "Okay Blake, calm down." Alek pulled him away from me.

"Alphas of moonlight and rood river want to talk to us about the um.." Blake looked at me out the corner of his eye. "Thing." He mumbled.

Alek's eyes lit up in realization. "Um. Oh. Yeah, uh Marley?" He asked for my reassurance. "I'm fine Alek, go." I shooed him.

I turned to Tanya. "What's up with them?" She looked uncomfortable with my question, almost like she knew something I didn't. What's going on? "Hah. Who knows right? Hey! Let's get drinks!" She hurriedly changed the subject pulling me along.

The punch bowl was surrounded by two, uh.. Unladylike looking girls.

Okay. Slutty girls. There I said it.

The blonde one, scrunched her nose up at me. "Well if it isn't my replacement." Rolling her eyes at me. Replacement?

"Really Trisha? Replacement? You're to trashy to even be a one night stand sweetie. Now if you don't mind, it would please us if you and bitch 2 moved out of the way of the punch." Tanya snapped.

Woah? She went insane. History there? I'm glad she stood up for me though.

They moved away from the punch walking past us. On their way, 'Bitch 2,' gave Tanya a shoulder shove. "Tell Colton when he wants a real woman, he can always come back." She mumbled.

And Tanya was off.

She spun around, gripping 'Bitch 2' by her hair, slamming her to the floor. Blood instantly poured from the back of her head. Tanya sat on top of her waist, pounded 'Bitch 2,' in the face constantly. A crowd formed, all of them chanting. No one moved to pull them apart. 'Bitch 2,' must really be a bitch, no one went to help her.

Two hands pulled Tanya off of her. Colton. Tanya was still kicking and screaming.

Alek was right behind him yelling. "It's not a show, move around!" In his alpha tone. He rushed over to me. "You okay baby? Did she hit you?" He held my face in his hands, examining it. "Just fine." I smiled up at him.


I'm seated on Alek's bed- well supposedly our bed, as he reminded me earlier. Waiting on Alek to get out of the bathroom from brushing his teeth, so we can cuddle and go to sleep. I made sure to thank Tanya for standing up for me earlier. She's literally the best. Besides my muffin.

Alek walked out of the bathroom, a pair of Calvin Klein boxers the only thing covering him. Hot damn.

"It turns me on when you check me out baby." Alek groaned, his eyes going dark.

I motioned for him to come lay between my legs, which he did, instantly catching my lips in a kiss.

We made out until we were both panting, when I pulled away.

Alek looked down at me. "Damn. I love you." He smiled.

Love? Oh my gosh. What has it been like two days? But were werewolves. Our feelings for each other are enhanced about 10000 times humans. That's why I found myself saying, "I love you too muffin." Sealing the deal with a kiss.

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