Chapter 16 - Rated R

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Tanya left two days ago. Meaning, I've been awake for about two days now. I still feel bad from being abused. The memory still hasn't left my mind.

I want to hate Rick for what he did to me, but I just can't. I had so much hate for him and my mother before, but now I realize it's dumb to hold grudges.

After seeing Tanya lose her mate. And so many people dying during the war. I see that not everyone is going to be around you forever. You have to just be happy with what you have right now. And regard the negative things.

I have Alek. He's everything I'd want in a mate. Sweet. Compassionate. Strong. Funny. And so much more. So, I consider myself lucky to be alive right now, getting to see him everyday.

So you could see why I don't have hate for Rick anymore.

"Marley. Someone' For you." Alek said, walking into the room.


"What are you doing here?" I questioned.

At the sound of my voice, Hilary's head popped up. "My baby! I missed you so much! Are you okay?" She ran at me, trying to hug me. Before her bony arms could wrap around me, I put my hands out, stopping her.

"I asked you what you're doing here Hilary." I said sternly. "I wanted to see you of course. I miss you." Hilary lied through her teeth.

Looking behind me, I saw Alek and Blake watching us closely. Alek looked at me as if to ask me if I wanted to be alone. After I nodded my head, Alek and Blake walked off, sending me comforting smiles on the way.

"If she touches you when you don't want her to, you better link me. I'll be there in three seconds."

I smiled to myself. Oh Alek.

I ushered Hilary to sit down on one of the couches, while I sat across from her.

"Listen Marley, I know we have had some problems recently but-" Hilary started.

I blanked out her voice after the first sentence. I was completely done with this. I'm tired of letting her treat me like complete shit, like I'm fucking nothing. I know I said I don't have hate anymore, but this isn't hate. This is getting things off my chest that I've wanted to say my entire life.

"You listen Hilary. Yes, we've had 'problems' recently." I growled sarcastically. "We've also had fucking 'problems' my entire life! You can't push me to the back out of the way all the time like I'm unworthy of being noticed! My entire life you've treated me terribly, and I took it all. All of it. Because you were my mother and I loved you. You were family. Well obviously family doesn't mean jack shit to you, considering the fact you helped Rick plot to kill me. Are you that much of a psycho? Even now, after everything you've done to me, if someone tried to kill you and I had the power to stop it, I would. Even if you're not my real mom." I couldn't see her reaction to my words, due to all the tears blurring my vision. I was sobbing terribly, my whole entire body shaking from my outburst.

It's seems as if as soon as I said these things, all the negative things from the past seventeen years have just been lifted off my shoulders.

Wiping my eyes, I finally got to see Hilary's face. And guess what? The bitch had the nerve to cry.

"I'm so sorry Marley. You were always my favorite daughter." She cried.

I just stared at her. I didn't believe anything she was saying. Her cries didn't affect me, I didn't feel sorry for her. I just sat there and wondered how someone could be so sick in the brain. She really did belong in a mental institution.

"Marley. Marley baby I need your help! I need somewhere to live." She said frantically.

"What happened to our old house?" I questioned. "I sold it when I went to live with Rick. That is until he died. His remaining members kicked me out. Said I was just being used to get closer to you, find your weak points.."

We sat in silence for a few moments, before I finally spoke. "How sad. Cry me a goddamn river and get the hell out of my house."


I'm currently laying down beside Alek in silence, thinking about everything that happened today. "Hey. You okay baby?" Alek questioned, looking over at me. I nodded my head, leaning over to kiss him.

He kissed me back gently, before climbing on top of me. Our kiss was slow and sweet, until Alek's tongue slid across my bottom lip. Everything moved so quickly after that.

Alek tore my shirt off of me, massaging my stomach while still kissing me. I lifted his shirt up to pull it off, he helped me the rest of the way, sitting up snatching it off quickly.

I got a good view of his rock hard abs, running my fingers down them slowly. His lips found my neck, sucking on my mark gently.

I reached for Alek's belt, showing him I was ready. He instantly pulled back, looking down at me with a worried expression.

"You don't need to push yourself. My father. He just basically beat you up. You need to rest-" Alek rambled on.

"Muffin, muffin, muffin." I mumbled. "I want to. I want you to cover up everything he did to me. Make me forget it even happened. Make me forget the feeling." I told him, blushing.

His eyes instantly went dark. I thought this was going to be sweet and slow, obviously my speech made him a little wild.

He instantly swiped my shorts off, getting a view of my hello kitty panties. He smiled, then kissed them, looking up at me.

Oh gosh. How fucking embarrassing. I had to wear the hello kitties today didn't I?

I didn't even notice Alek take off his jeans and underwear, exposing his hardened member.

His fingers ran up and down my panties. "As sexy as these are. I'm going to have to take them off." Alek smirked up at me.

I chuckled. "Just shut up and do your job."

Alek slid them down my legs slowly. "You're already wet." He mumbled huskily.

His mouth attached itself to my p***y. His tongue darting in a million different directions. My back arched off the bed. "Alek." I moaned. His fingers found my hole, which started going in and out of me, prepping me for him.

I was close to climaxing. "Hold it baby." Alek told me, taking his mouth and fingers away, causing me to whimper. "Please Alek." I sighed. "Give it to me." I moaned.

"Say it again baby." He growled. "Give it to me." I moaned in response. He positioned himself right on top of me. "I'm warning you baby. I can't take this slow. Not now, I'm too-" he rambled. Damn. My man and his rambling. "I don't care. However you want to do it, do it." I said quickly.

His member entered me. The pleasure brought me to the moon, I felt myself falling back to earth, but was shot right back to the moon again when he rammed into me again.

He was going extremely fast in and out of me. "Alek." I moaned. "Say my name again Marley." Alek said huskily to me. "Alek. Oh gosh Alek. Faster, please." I moaned out.

His thrusts went to a whole new level. Ramming inside of me at inhuman speed. Well we are werewolves.

I felt my stomach clenched, letting me know I'm close. "Let it go when I tell you to, okay?" Alek told me. I nodded, trying to hold back.

My claws scratched at his back as his thrusts were still going strong. "Together. On three. One. Two. Three." Alek counted. Our liquids poured out. He squirted his liquid into me. He have a couple more thrusts, riding out his climax.

Alek fell beside me onto the bed. "Jesus Alek." I sighed. His head found my chest, nuzzling his face between my boobs. I wrapped my arms around his body. "I love you so much." He sighed, already falling asleep.

I mumbled I love you back in response, but I doubt he heard me.

I'm happy again, after having my virginity taken away by that monster. I would consider this time, that me and Alek just had my first. Although it was fast, it was still great, that was just how we liked to do things.

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