Chapter 10

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"Alek! Stop!" I giggled. He was licking all over my face and tickling my stomach. "Say 'Alek is the sexiest man alive!" Alek chuckled. "Never!" I yelled. I've lost too many of these tickling games to him, but not this one. He'll get tired eventually. Our laughs could probably be heard around the whole world. This sight was beautiful. His head was tilted back, his mouth wide open, laughing. His eyes squinted, barely open. His cheeks rosy red.

Then the sight started to fade. What's going on? "Marley! Marley! Marley! Marley!" Alek yelled constantly. "Alek? What's happening!" He was almost completely gone, blackness took over my whole vision.

I realized the blackness was my eyelids. I peeled my eyes open. Grey. Grey was all I saw. Well concrete grey to be more specific. Where the hell am I?
I felt something pressing on my ankles. Chains. Long silver chains were attached to them. Sitting up, I glanced around the room.

All the walls were concrete. Even the floor was concrete, but there was little spots of old dried up blood on it. My blood?
There was a door on the wall directly in front of me. It had only one window on it, which was about the size of a tiny mirror.

I tried to mind link Alek, but it wouldn't work. That's when everything hit me. The woods. The guards. Dead. The rotten hand. The knee in the back. My kicking and screaming. The cloth. Everything blurring.

I was obviously kidnapped by someone, and it didn't take a genius to figure out who. Alek's father.

An eye suddenly appeared in the small window on the door. I heard a key unlocking the door. It swung open to reveal an extremely tall man. He was dressed in big black boots, dirty jeans, and a plaid long sleeve shirt. ALEK'S father maybe? But they looked NOTHING alike.

The man stalked over to me, yanking me off the ground. He growled when he noticed the chains were still on my feet. Dropping me back on the ground, he unlocked the chains on the ankles. Reaching out for my arm, he yanked me up once again.

Dragging me through the small door, down a hall. This mans legs were at least a million feet long. They stretched so far, I couldn't keep up. "Speed it up." He growled. Why is he so mad? I'm the one who got kidnapped!

We reached two big doors at the end of the hall. He pushed them open, revealing a big office.

"Alpha." The man bowed, shoving me into the room. "Hey! Precious cargo you're dealing with!" A man chuckled.

Where is the man? A big chair spun around to reveal an old and much uglier version of my Alek.

Same eyes, nose, lips. Everything. But the features on this man seemed so tired. Like they were about to crumble off his face.

Alek's father pushed the chair back, getting up to walk over to me. Once he stood in front of me, I couldn't hold on to my laughter.

I'm sure you're thinking I'm either very stupid, or I'm on some kind of drugs. I couldn't stop laughing. Are you serious right now? This man is who is causing all this trouble? He was about 5'4 and frail. He looked like he was 70 years old. He really was Alek's OLD man. See what I did there?

"I see I amuse you." He giggled. His hand came up to slap me right across my face. He might look old, but he can hit hard!

The slap was so powerful, it knocked me on the ground. His giggling had stopped and he was glaring down at me. I tried to stand up, but he brought a heavy boot down onto my chest. I struggled to breathe. I started choking on my own spit. "Please stop." I gasped, trying to pry his foot off my chest. Him and the big guard who drug me here, laughed. His foot then lifted off my chest. "We'll look who's funny now." He joked.

"I'm sure you're wondering why you're here hm? Well 'Marley,' your sweet muffin pissed me off. And you're simply revenge. Nothing special." He said mockingly.

How'd he know I called Alek muffin? "I've been spying on you." He told me, as if reading my thoughts. "Well actually I haven't, more like one of my workers. Colton, Alek's beta. You know him? Of course you do." He laughed.

Colton? Tanya's mate? He had been working with Alek's father the whole time. I knew I should've taken him out. No wonder he always tried to keep Alek busy at certain times during the day. I wonder if Tanya was helping him?

Someone burst through the door. "Alpha, the Luna wants to see you." A young boy said.
"Well tell her to come here, I'm busy right now." He mumbled, shooing the boy away.

Moments later in walked his Luna, she had a shawl over her head, but I know those red heels anywhere. "Hey baby." He muttered to her.



No leads. Whatsoever. I can't just sit back and let Marley be hurt by that disgusting piece of man.

"Alpha. We have a girl here who claims she's the Luna's sister."

I walked out to the living room. Marley's sister sat there with her head down, hands folded in her lap. The same sister who tried to claim that I was her mate, and not Marley's. Why was she here?

When she noticed I was here, she spoke. "I can tell you where Marley is." She rasped out.

My Alpha Mate,  I Call Muffin. (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now