Chapter 14

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"Speed it up Delilah." I growled. She's taking her precious time showing us where the hideout is, when my mates there waiting to be hurt again by my father.

"Calm down we're fucking here." She growled at me. Wrong move Delilah. I'm already pissed off and I'm an alpha. Don't push my buttons.

I instantly pinned her by her neck against a tree. "You wanna talk to me like that again?" I growled. She shook her head 'no' furiously. "Thought so." I threw her on the ground.

I would have killed her when she first showed up at the pack house, but she helped us find Marley, and she's Marley's sister. I didn't want her to be mad at me for the rest of our lives cause I took her sisters life.

"Okay. I want group one of warriors to go around back. Group two go straight to the front. Group three, four, five, and six, we're going in." I commanded everyone.

I led the groups that were coming with me in through the front, Colton following behind me. The alpha always leads when danger is near, who is then backed up by his trusty beta, followed by his third in command, Blake.

The whole place was dark. Maybe they know we're here, and are waiting to jump out and surprise us. Well let's get on with the surprise, I'm ready to kick some rogue ass.

"Alpha, fighting has already begun outside." Tanya warned me. "Okay. They know we're here now. Be prepared to shift at any time. The slightest movement and we all shift okay?" Everyone nodded. "Another thing. If any of you see my father, let me know, he's mine." I growled.

I would die in this place before I let my father get away with abusing my mate.

All of a sudden, the lights flickered on. We all shifted quickly, glancing around for danger in any sort.

"Looks like it's time for war." A mans voice said. "Attack!" The voice shouted. Suddenly, about one hundred wolves came charging for us.

A medium sized one came at me, but I quickly grabbed him by his throat with my teeth, ripping it open gruesomely.
I searched around for my fathers wolf. He was nowhere to be seen. I quickly mind linked Colton, Blake and Tanya. "I'm going to find my father."

Colton replied, "I'm going with you, in case you need back up." I waved my hand for him to follow me. I know I can always count on Colton.

We walked down a hallway, which was dimly lit. I wonder where Marley is, i know my father will be with her.

Mind link! Wow I'm stupid.

"Marley! Where are you? Is my father with you?" I linked to her.

"No need to link Marley. Turn around son." The voice I hate the most chuckled. He's just as ugly as I remember him. Old dried up features. He looks like a dirty old man, but his wolf is extremely powerful and big.

"I didn't know you would take this long to come and get your mate. Maybe I need to teach you something about mates son. I would've saved your mother in twenty minutes tops. But you! You let your mate get raped, hit-" I had heard enough.

I ran for him, he ran for me, shifting while running. I could see Marley standing behind him, looking terrified. Colton walked over to her, probably to comfort her while I take care of business.

When we collided, I heard a lot of things crack, I don't know if it was me or him that caused the noise, and I didn't care.

He lunged for my neck, with his teeth, but I slid, dodging his attempt. I quickly tackled him, ripping his left ear off.

Both of our faces were dropping blood, from all the scratches inflicted upon each other.

I went for his throat, to tear it out, but thought better of it. I want him to suffer. I swiped my claw down the middle of his stomach, creating an opening in it. Blood spewed out of it. He was too weak to move now, I'm sure I ripped some of his internal organs.

Climbing off of him, I was tackled from behind. Looking back I see Colton laying on my back. What the hell? "Colton get off me." I commanded in my alpha voice. Now was not the time to play games.

"Shut the hell up Alek. You don't control me." He growled. What?
"What are you talking about?" I growled.

"Alek he's with your fathers army." Marley cried to me.

I hate a lot of things. When I say a lot, I mean A LOT.

But there's nothing I hate more than a fucking traitor.

All I saw was red.

I knocked him off of me, jumping on top of him, ready to kill. I bit the hell out of his snout. Clawing at his eyes. He pushed me off. He quickly bit me in my leg causing me to howl with pain.

I stood back up, kicking him in his side, knocking him into the wall. He charged for me again, but he stopped when he was shot. A gun fell to the floor, from our right. Looking over, I saw Tanya back in her human form with a long tshirt on, crying. She had shot Colton.

Webster's definition of Loyal is- unswerving in allegiance.

Tanya was probably my most loyal pack member, killing her own mate to help me.

(I know earlier in the story it says Blake is Tanya's mate, but I'm going to change it lol)

I stood up, walking over to her. I bowed to her. I know. An alpha. Bowing to a pack member, or anybody at that. But she deserves it. What she did was real.

Marley bowed her head to Tanya too, holding back tears of joy. I turned to her, nuzzling her hip with my snout. She reached a hand out to pat my head. She mouthed an I love you to me, before she passed out.

My Alpha Mate,  I Call Muffin. (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now