Chapter 2

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(A/N: Shoutout to 'randomfangirl16' for being my first vote!)


I was awoken by a deep voice shouting profanities.

The same deep voice that made my skin tingle.


"I'm doing all I can alpha no need to panic..."

I heard Alek growl menacingly. This shut whoever else in the room that was talking up.

When my eyes finally opened, I saw Alek standing over me, but he was looking out the window. I tried to say his name as I reached out for him, but only a croak came out of my throat due to the dryness of it.

Alek's head snapped down to look at me. "Oh gosh! I was so worried about you! Are you thirsty? Yes you are, doc get her some water now!"

The doctor quickly shuffled out of the room, appearing seconds later with a glass of water. Alek nearly snatched the glass from the doctors hand growling on the way.

He gently tilted the water up to my lips. After drinking the whole glass down, I felt a lot better. "What happened?"

"You fainted at the party."

I sighed and tried sitting up. Alek's eyes nearly popped out of his head. "Woah! Easy there love."

"Where's my mother and my sister?" I asked worriedly. "They are downstairs in the living room. I brought you back to the pack house to be looked at by our doctor because I only want the best for you. They insisted on coming back with us to make sure you were okay."

I suddenly started laughing. Make sure I'm okay? Yeah right. Mother just wanted Delilah here to soak up attention from Alek.

Just thinking of Delilah getting attention from Alek pissed me off. I stopped laughing and my hands suddenly balled into fists.

No way. Not this time. Delilah always got the prettiest dress, or the bigger room, or the prettiest decorated comb. But not now. Alek is mine. He's mine.

Ours. Ours. Ours. Only ours. My wolf chanted in my head.

My nails dug into the side of the doctor's bed. I started to shake I was getting so angry.

Alek reached out for me. "Are you okay?"

I jumped off the bed away from his wonderful touch. "Mine!"

Alek's eyes instantly went dark.

"You're mine!" I screamed.

Alek stalked over to me. He stared into my eyes, then whispered roughly, "only yours."

Alek suddenly pushed me against the wall behind me. Usually someone slamming me against a wall with that much force would hurt and make me want to punch them in their eye. But when Alek did it, I only wanted him to do it again, it turned me on so much.

Alek suddenly captured my lips with his. I moaned instantly. How could a kiss with no tongue make me this excited?

My moan obviously turned Alek on even more. He bit down on my lip roughly asking for entrance, which I was about to grant before the door flew open.

"Marley! What the hell are you doing? Get away from your sisters mate!" My mother screamed.

She was redder than a tomato. The vein on her neck looked like it was about to explode it bulged out so far.

"I can't believe you would do this to me Marley! We're suppose to be sisters! You're such a fucking slut!" Delilah yelled at me.

Alek pulled away from me, stomping over to my mother and sister at a rapid speed. He went for my mothers throat first, his huge hand wrapped around it, lifting her into the air.

She started to kick and throw her fists around trying to get out of his death grip.

"Alek, please put her down! It's okay." I patted his back.

My mother instantly fell to the floor. Delilah squatted down beside her, while she tried to gain control of her breathing.

"GET OUT OF HERE!" Alek shouted.

I guess the noise was so loud that the whole pack house heard it, because four men ran into the room looking worried.

"Alpha.." One of them spoke.


Two men grabbed Delilah and my mother. Another one came to get me, but as soon as Alek saw him coming for me, he was thrown across the room roughly.

The fourth man ran over to him, dragging him out of the room, right behind the other men dragging my family away.

Alek slammed the door and quickly started pacing the room. He looked so angry I was almost afraid to go to him.

I walked over to where he was hoping to calm him down. "Hey. It's okay." I grabbed him into a hug.

"I don't want anything to happen to you." He sounded so defeated, it almost broke my heart.

"Hey, it's okay muffin. I'm okay. We're okay. Alright?"

Alek pulled away a little to look at me. "Muffin?"

"It has a nice ring to it." I joked. It made him smile, so I started singing, "myyyyy muffinnnn. oh myyyy sweet muffinnnn."

This sent Alek over the edge with laughter. I continued to hum my newly made tune until his laughter died down.

"Muffins are soft. I'm not soft." He said with a blank look on his face.

"You're soft. For me.." I said shyly. Scared of how he would take it.

He groaned. "Sadly, it's true." He smiled and winked at me.

"That groan was so sexy." I covered my mouth instantly after I said it.

Alek chuckled at me. "Come on. Let me introduce you to the pack."

My Alpha Mate,  I Call Muffin. (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now