Chapter 19

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A/N: Shoutout to 'geeklychic189' for being a very loyal fan!(:


It's been a week since we've lost the baby. Every pack member has been extremely generous. Sending us pies, cards, flowers and anything else to help us cope.

Alek feels the need to reassure me every day. I think he thinks that I still think it's my fault we lost the baby. Either way, I appreciate his comfort.

Also, Tanya has face timed me every day, making sure I'm okay.

I'm glad I have so many caring for me, but I'm fine. I really wanted the baby, but God has a plan for me. Maybe a baby just wasn't in that plan right now.

I haven't seen Hilary or Delilah in a while. Which is why I was extremely shocked when Alek told me Delilah called the pack house phone asking to spend time with me. I kindly declined.

She's my sister, I know. But I'm done with the negatives. I forgave her along with Hilary for doing me dirty, but I just don't need drama in my life right now. I feel like Delilah would bring a lot of drama with her. She's always been a drama queen.

It really isn't her fault for her cruel ways, she learned from the best. Hilary made her feel like she was the most important person on earth. That much attention could go to anybody's head. I remember when I was younger, I would want that attention so bad. I would make perfect grades in school so Hilary would be proud of me. Of course, it never worked. Delilah barely even turned in her work, but she was still treated better.

As a kid, you don't understand why your own mother won't give you attention. You start to think something is wrong with you.

One thing Delilah got that I didn't, but wanted more than anything. A license.

I've always been a great driver. Hilary would let me go with them when she taught Delilah how to drive. Although, the only way I got practice was getting to run errands around town for the two of them.

Alek tells me he's going to take me to get my permit today. I'm so excited. I finally get to drive legally!


Alek drove us to the place. I took my written test and now have my permit! Alek's letting me drive back home.

"Okay baby, it's all you." Alek smiled, buckling his seatbelt.

I took a deep breath, pulling out of the parking lot. Once I pulled onto the highway, I was relaxed. I was doing great. "I wonder what the speed limit is around here." Alek mumbled, glancing at the speedometer.

"You wanna slow down?" Alek asked quietly, trying not to upset me. "Why? Am I going to fast?" I asked panicking, turning to face him. "Eyes on the road!" Alek yelled, scaring the hell out of me. I jumped, looking back at the road.

"Sorry for scaring you. It's just, the speed limit is 50, I think you're going 75." Alek explained. I smiled, "it's okay muffin. Just ride." I started humming happily drumming you fingers on the steering wheel.

I was going so fast I accidentally ran a red light. An eighteen wheeler beeped at us, missing hitting us by a foot. "Oops." I mumbled, bring my speed down to 70.


I walked into the house after sitting in the car getting a lecture from Alek about speeding for the past twenty minutes. "Look who's finally here!" A voice yelled. Looking up, I saw Tanya standing in the living room.

"Oh my gosh! Tanya!" I ran to her, hugging her. "How are you?" I yelled. She laughed, "how am I? It's you who should be answering that question." Tanya said, a look of sympathy on her face.

"Tanya. Gosh! I told you I'm okay. Life could be worse." I smiled.

"Your optimism gives me life. Which brings me to why I'm here." Tanya mumbled, looking anywhere but at me.

"What's up?" I asked, leading her to the couch. "Everything okay Tanya?" Alek asked worriedly, followed by Blake.

We all sat on the couches waiting on Tanya to say something.

"Well. I've been enjoying myself in England. Life has definitely gotten better for me. But sadly, all good things must come to an end." Tanya looked down, playing with her fingers.

"You're scaring me." I said.

Tanya still didn't say anything. "Tanya?" Blake said.

Tanya looked up, finally speaking. "Guys. I um. I have four months to live."

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