Chapter 4

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When I awoke, I couldn't feel Alek's arm around me anymore. I rolled over to snuggle up to him. My hands roamed everywhere, but he wasn't there.

My eyes popped open, and I sat up abruptly. Where is he?

I pulled the covers back, walking downstairs to the kitchen.

BINGO! Alek stood in front of the stove, cooking bacon.

He must have smelled me, because he turned around quickly grinning. Dropping the spatula, he walked over to me, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"We need to talk remember?" I mumbled into his chest. "Yeah yeah, but after breakfast, okay?"

Alek leaned down to give me a kiss, but I dodged him quickly. "Morning breath." I said as I covered my mouth with my hand.

"I could smell your morning breath all day Marley." He went for my lips again.

"Ew. Gross. Get back." I steered away from him, turning to go run upstairs.

"Put some pants on while you're up there!" He yelled at me.

Once I got in his bathroom, I searched for an unopened tooth brush. When I opened the first drawer, I found something I was definitely NOT looking for.


I slammed the drawer quickly. Why does he have condoms? Who has he been with? I wonder if he's a virgin like me. I doubt it. I mean, have you seen muffin? Who wouldn't want a chunk out of that?

I wonder what our first time would be like together. I bet he'd be really gentle, but like rough at the same time.

I shook my head trying to get rid of the dirty thoughts of me and muffin getting it on. We've only known each other for like a little over a day.

When I finally refocused back to my original task, I found an unopened package of toothbrushes.

The only toothpaste in here was the kiddy spongebob kind. Really Alek? What 21 year old muscly alpha uses sponge bob toothpaste?

After brushing my teeth, I made my way to his closet to get some sweats. I rolled the tops of them about ten times they were so big.

Going downstairs, I found Alek sitting at the table with a plate in front of him. He looked to be lost in thought.

"Hey muffin."

He looked my way suddenly. "Hey baby, come eat breakfast."
Once I sat beside him, I started thinking about the daydreams I was having of him earlier. I could feel my cheeks getting red.

"Why are you blushing?" Alek asked with an amused look on his face. "Blushing? Me? No! I um.."

Alek cleared his throat. "Well now that we're done with you being awkward. Let me feed you."

Alek scooped up some eggs on the fork. "Here comes the planeeee."

I opened my mouth, and tilted my head back waiting on the food to enter. When he dropped the food into my mouth I chewed playfully. "Nom. Nom. Nom."

"Do you like it baby?" He looked scared for my answer. "They are so delicious. You are hands down the BEST cook in the whole world. I could eat your food-

Alek shut me up with another mouth full of eggs.

"So about that talk.." Alek scratched his neck.

"I know you probably want to go home to your family, but I just can't let you do that. You're my mate and I don't want to be away from you that long. My pack needs their Luna. I need you."

"Don't worry Alek. I'm not going anywhere. I'll stay here with you if that's what you want. Just make sure the pack knows not to expect a lot from me, I mean I'm not like you. I'm not use to this alpha stuff. I don't know how to lead people." I rambled. Alek cupped my cheek."Don't worry baby, you'll be a great Luna. Plus, everyone knows not to make you feel uncomfortable or anything. You're the alphas mate, they'd never cross that line. Because then they'd have to deal with me." He smiled at me gently.

"When is initiation?" Was my only question.

"Tonight. I'll let Tanya take you to get a dress. I'd go with you, but I have something's to take care of this morning."


I'm currently seated in my office, surrounded by Colton, Blake and a couple warrior wolfs.

"So you're telling me that my father is alive?" I was shaking mad.

I thought I killed that bastard almost seven years ago!

"Why is he just now coming back?" I yelled. "Well you see Alpha, when you 'killed' him, he was able to crawl to the woods away from our clearing. He supposedly gained control of about 100 rogues. They've had an attack planned for about a year now."

"This still isn't telling me why he's just know putting his shitty plan into action!"
"Does anybody know? Tell me!"

A warrior wolf from the corner of the room peeped up. "Um alpha." He raises his hand.

"What? Do you know why? If not, please shut the hell up and put your hand down."

"I know why." He mumbled. "Well I'm not Sherlock Holmes or anything, please tell us!" I screamed.

"He knows you found your mate, Marley." He said quickly. Just hearing him bring my mate into this pissed me off. I exploded out of my seat, ready to snap his neck.

Colton and Blake held me back. "Is this suppose to be funny? Who the fuck do you think you are? I can kill you right now you little bitch!" I screamed.

"Alek. Chill. He might know something. Let him explain." Colton persuaded.

"Ten seconds." I muttered still angry. The warrior wolf looked down too scared to look me in my eyes again after my outburst.

"He wants to hurt you for trying to kill him. If your mate dies, you'll eventually be too out of it to be alpha, and you'll die."

"He wants to hurt Marley because I killed, well attempted to kill him?" "Well how come he hasn't died, my mother died. They were mates."

"That's the thing. He's still alive because your mom was never his mate. He never even marked her. She was the original Luna of the pack who inherited the title. Your father married her to get the alpha title."

"Why would he want the title if he was too scared to handle it?"

"You see, your father was a rogue. Your grandfather, or, your mothers father, killed his parents. Your grandparents. They were intruding on the boundaries."

"So basically, he spent years with my mother just to get revenge?"

"Yes. Remember the rogue attack that your mother was killed in? His idea. Those rogues were the same ones he was with."

"So why would my mother be with him if he wasn't her mate? And why would he keep the alpha title when he already got revenge on my grandfather by killing his daughter, my mother?"

"Your mother was a kind woman. She fell in love with him easily, regarding her fathers protest of marrying someone who wasn't her mate."

"As for why he kept the title, he planned on killing of the whole pack and bringing in his rogue pack to replace all of us."

"So now he's back because his little plan was damaged by me?"

"Yes. And he's coming for Marley."

My Alpha Mate,  I Call Muffin. (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now