Chapter 11

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"Hello daughter." My mother sighed. "I was pissed when I found out Alek really was your mate, but at the same time I was happy I had gotten rid of you forever. " She had a small smile on her face. Is she like mental?

"I finally found my mate. Rick. Alek's father." I had a disgusting look on my face. "Yes, I know what you're thinking, gross! That's incest, blah blah. But I have an explanation pea brain. I'm not your real mother. Or Delilah's. Your mother left you guys at my doorstep when you were a newborn and Delilah was 3. I only wanted to keep Delilah, but you guys were a packaged deal. I thought you would be the one to betray me, but Delilah was the real traitor. Tried to get Rick to kill me when he found us. After everything I did for her. Little did she know Ricky poo was my mate." She laughed.

She really was a nutcase. I'm glad she's not my real mother. I wonder who my real mother is though. It hurts to know that even my adoptive mother didn't even want me. Was I that bad of a person? I mean I was just a baby.

Rick chuckled. "I could see why you wouldn't want her, she's actually very stupid." I gasped.

"I am anything but stupid, Rick." I said his name menacingly. "Don't talk to my mate like that you bitch." My mother, or should I say Hilary, growled at me.

"Fuck you Hilary." I spat.

She kicked me in my back. Causing me to howl in pain. "Don't ruin the cargo honey." Rick laughed. I could literally puke right now.

I don't think I've ever disliked somebody more than them right now. They could both drop dead and I wouldn't care. Any type of love I had left for my mother, I mean Hilary, was gone. In its place sat a deep hatred.


"I'm sorry!" Delilah screamed at me, fear in her eyes. After she told me about how they treated my mate and how she knew the kidnapping was going to happen today and didn't bother to warn her own sister, I was ready to kill.

Colton and Blake were struggling to hold me back. Tanya was trying to calm me down, but of course, nothing could calm me down but Marley.

Marley. I miss her so much. She's only been gone for about half a day now. "Alpha! If you kill her, we'll never be able to find Marley!" Tanya yelled. That snapped me right out of it. She was right.

I ran my hand through my hair. "Tell me where she is. Now." I growled. Delilah looked scared to speak. Probably because I was just trying to kill her 10 seconds ago. "She's with our mother. And your father. But you already know that. Um. I can lead you to her, but you won't be able to just go and scoop her out of there. Rick has so many guards. He only let me out because I swore to move across the country, and pretend like none of this ever happened." She explained.

"You think Rick is more powerful than me? Do you know who the fuck I am? My pack is probably stronger than him and all his filthy rogues times 10." I growled.

After I said that, no one dared to speak. We sat in silence for about five minutes before I barked out our plan.

"We leave tonight at 10, get every warrior together, and anybody else who wants to help save Marley. No women and children besides Tanya. And you." I pointed at Delilah. "You're going to lead us to my mate with no resistance whatsoever. You got that?" I growled. "Yes alpha." She muttered, bowing her head.

I stormed to Marley and I's room. I would have her back in four hours at the most. Daddy wanted a war, well he sure is about to get one.

My Alpha Mate,  I Call Muffin. (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now