Chapter 15

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"...we keep this love in a photograph. We make these memories for ourselves..."

" you can keep me, inside the pockets of your ripped jeans..."

" won't ever be alone. Wait for me to come home..."

I heard a voice singing to me. My eyes fluttered open to see Alek looking down at me. The lyrics were coming out of his mouth, but I couldn't hear them anymore. I was so lost in his eyes.

I don't think I've ever loved anybody more than I love Alek.

"...when I'm away. I will remember how you kissed me..."

Alek still sang to me.

He started to get blurry. Ah shit am I fainting again? No. Not this time. Tears were what caused Alek to get blurry.

He had stopped singing, his own tears were now dripping onto my forehead, while mine were falling out of my eyes, rolling down the sides of my face.

He reached down to cup my face with both of his hands. "I missed you. You were out for three days." He breathed. I just wrapped my arms around him. No words needed to be said. I was just so happy because he had saved me from my worst nightmare.

He started to make small sobbing noises. "I'm sorry. This was all my fault. I should've watched you more closely. I didn't protect you and you got hurt." He whispered.

I laid my head on his shoulder. "Stop Alek. Just stop." I shook my hair, raising it back up to look at him. "None of what happened was your fault. I'm just glad he won't be able to come back to hurt us anymore." I smiled.

He nodded his head. "Um. I should tell you about something." He looked down.

I looked at him with a confused expression. "It's Tanya." He sighed. "She's leaving the pack."



I can't believe he's gone. How could I be so stupid? He was a traitor the whole time and I never even noticed. My own mate!

Even though he was a dirty scum bag, it still hurts that he's dead. We were still mates, regardless of his decisions. And the pain of losing a mate is close to unbearable. I haven't stopped crying since we got back three days ago.

I feel like leaving is the only thing I can do right now. Being here in the pack house, seeing everyone else with their mates is just too much. I've grown up with just about everyone here, and it's going to hurt to leave them. But I have to make the right decisions for myself. I think I deserve something for me. Just me. I've been loyal enough, and if the pack can't except that then to hell with them.

What am I saying? I love these people more than anything. I don't know if I'll really be able to get on that plane to England tomorrow morning.

But I have to try. I have to be strong.

My door suddenly swung open, revealing a crying Marley. "So you were just going to leave without saying goodbye?" She sobbed, falling down to the floor.

I rushed over to her, wrapping my arms around her. "I'm so sorry." I cried.

We cried for around an hour. "Why?" Was what she finally said. I knew what she meant. "I need to find some kind of happiness. I'm going to go explore the world. Maybe even find love somewhere." I explained. "Where are you going?" She finally asked.


She played with her thumbs for a good ten minutes before she looked up at me. "I hear the boys accents there are to die for." She smiled. I giggled, tackling her into a hug.

Of course things won't be easy. I'll probably be depressed as soon as I get on that plane. But at least I know my best friend and hopefully the rest of my pack will be supporting me.


They say saying goodbye is the hardest thing to do. I think this statement is one hundred percent true. The entire pack was at the airport seeing me off. Everyone was waving like crazy while I walked away backwards crying and waving back at them.

Alek gave me a thumbs up. Marley made a heart with her hands, then pointed to me. I pointed back at her, then held up two fingers.

I turned away from them, dragging my suitcase behind me. I was no longer a crescent sky pack member. But that was somehow okay. Maybe I'll find my happiness again.

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