Chapter 12

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(A/N: I decided to rewrite parts in the chapter because some people took it very wrong, and it's becoming a problem)


Hilary is out shopping. Although, it's 8:00 P.M., who goes shopping that late? Who cares. As long as the money hungry bitch is out of my hair for the night. I can't believe I'm mated to such a leach. I don't think I can put up a nice act anymore.

But I have bigger problems to worry about. War. I know my son is coming to get his mate. I let Delilah go for a reason. No matter how much of a bitch she is, I knew she would help her sister in the end. Stupidity must run in their family.

I'm sure Alek will be able to feel Marley's pain now that the wolf bane has worn off. I also just wanted to piss him off some more; so I decided to go ruff her up a bit.


The bitch sat curled up in a corner. She was crying, rocking back and forth. Well looks like her tough girl image has worn off. Maybe she's finally realized she's in deep shit. Well it's about to get even worse.

"Come here." I demanded her. She bowed her head, refusing to obey me. "I said come here bitch!" I stormed over to her, yanking her off the ground by her hair. "Let's teach you a lesson hey?" I smiled evilly. Her head shook frantically. "Please just stop. Don't hurt me, please!" She begged. "How sad. A Luna. Begging for her dear life. Pitiful. I wonder what your pack would say." I mumbled, saying it like it was the saddest thing on earth.

"Enough chit chat. Let's get down to business." I smirked. I threw her on her back, climbing on top of her.

Tears and snot ran down her face. She kept screaming, like someone was going to hear her. Even if they did, they wouldn't help her, I'm the boss around here.

I slapped her to shut her trap. "Shut your fucking mouth you bitch, and let me teach you a lesson." I growled. Her resistance was fun at first, but now she's just pissing me off.

I slapped her again for good measure. "Resist once and I'll beat you until you're fucking blue. You got that?" I growled. She shut her eyes tight, nodding her head frantically, silent tears still falling down her face.

I smashed my lips down to hers, forcing my tongue in her mouth. She bit my lip, which was a dumb move. Again. I punched her stomach.

"Alek felt all the pain you just experienced." I smiled to myself. "Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you! He's on his way to get you. Well at least attempt to get you. He'll be dead before he even sees what hit him." I chuckled. "But just know Marley." I spat her name. "You're going through all of this because of your beloved muffin." I growled.

I walked out of the room, locking the door on the way. I actually felt a bit sorry for the bitch. Having to be mates to my coward of a son. I'll show him for trying to kill me.

Just as I reached my office, Hilary came in right behind me. "How's the plan going honey?" She asked, setting her bags down on the ground. "Great." I mumbled, paying her no attention.

"Look." She whispered. I looked up from the papers on my desk to see her holding a lingerie set. "You're showing me this why?"

"Well, before we get the war started I thought we could have some fun!" Hilary giggled like a teenager. "Hilary how old do you think you are? Maybe no ones told you in a while but you look like you're already in your 60's. Now stop being such a horny slut and excuse yourself from my office. I have a war to finish preparing for." I spat. My son would be here in about two to three hours to attempt to kill me again and I needed to be ready.

I got a call from Colton, Alek's beta, my spy. "Alpha." He greeted me. "What is it Colton?" I sighed. "Alek has pushed the attack up to now. He sees no reason in waiting. He says he felt Marley in excruciating pain, and needs to get her now." Colton said frantically. Shit a hitch in my plan. "Whatever. We'll be ready." I huffed, slamming the phone down. I need to gather all my fighters now. I guess I'd be killing my son sooner than planned.


A/N: War next chapter! p.s. Thanks for all the love on my story!<3

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