Chapter 23 - EPILOGUE

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A/N: I'm almost to 1,000 votes! Omg thanks so much guys! This has been a long journey, and I'm sad to say this is the end of the book, but read all the way to the end!(:




I shook my head no for the fourth time in the last minute.

"C'mon baby you have to push. You can do it." Alek encouraged.

I grabbed his other hand, squeezing it as hard as I could.

"Aghh!" I screamed.

"Good Luna, just a little more, she's almost here." The doctor said.

After hearing this, I pushed through all the pain. The harder I pushed the sooner I would get to hold my baby.

"Waaahhhh." I heard a voice cry.

Alek dropped my hands, running to the end of the bed, leaving me trying to get a peek at her.

I watched Alek cut the umbilical chord, while crying. The doctor handed him our baby in a pink blanket. "She's so beautiful." Alek smiled.

I reached my hands out in a give me motion.

They say holding your baby for the first time is the best experience a mother can ever have. I was overjoyed with happiness.

Tears and snot were leaking out of my face. This moment. Right here. I what I have waited on for so long.

"What name are you thinking of?" Alek asked, finally tearing his eyes away from our daughters gorgeous face, looking at me.

I nodded my head. "Marielle (Maury-elle) Alexis."

Alek fist pumped. "Aw baby! Our little Mario." He cooed. Causing me to give him a blank look. "It'll grow on you." He laughed.

I think not.



"Mari! Hurry! You're gonna be late for your first day!" I heard my mom yell from downstairs.

I hopped down the stairs. "I know mom chill." I laughed, giving her a hug.

"Are you nervous? Are you sure you want to do this?" She asked, squishing my head to her chest.

"Ew mom stop! You're gonna ruin my make up!" I pulled out my compact mirror to check my eyeliner.

"Well don't you look gorgeous." I heard my dad say from behind me.

I turned around, opening my arms for him to pick me up. "Why thank you daddy." I giggled.

He smiled, nudging me out of the way. "Actually, I was talking to this hot mama over here." He smirked, wiggling his eyebrows at my mom.

"Gross! I'm leaving." I yelled, grabbing my keys. "Have a great day honey." My mom called out, in a barely audible voice. She's probably making out with dad.

Like usual.


I'm currently sitting in the car. Scared. Nervous. Un-enthused.
This is my first day at a public school with humans.

Real life humans.

I've went to the pack school all my life, but I begged my parents to let me come here. I want to see more than just our pack territory.

I highly regret that decision.

Getting out of my car, I could feel a lot of eyes on me.

Breathe Mar. Breathe.

Ten minutes later, I had finally found the front office. "Hi. I'm Marielle, the new student. My dad enrolled me last week." I greeted the lady at the desk.

She obviously wasn't going to pays any attention until I said this. "Oh! You're HIS daughter." She smirked. "Let me go get your schedule."

She came back with a blue slip of paper, and a map of the school. "Here you go. Tell your father I said hello." She giggled.

I crinkled my nose at her. "Ya nasty." I mumbled.

I turned, walking out of the office as the bell rang. Here goes that cliche moment where I walk through the halls, trying to find my first class just to arrive late.

As I walked down the halls, checking the door numbers, more students started to leave the hall.

"145...147...149...151..." Where the hell is 155?

I suddenly stopped in my tracks. Something smelled TO DIE FOR.

Looking to my right, I saw a boy.

Or maybe a man.

He was probably over six foot. Brown hair. Grey eyes. And the most delicious pair of pink lips I've seen in my life.

He was eyeing me up and down as well.

He made eye contact with me, opening his mouth to speak.




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