Chapter 9

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A/N: Before I start writing this chapter I just want to thank ALL of you for voting for my story! Enjoy the chapter(:


-2 weeks later-


Ever since the night Alek and I shared at the hotel, we haven't been able to keep our hands off each other. We spend almost every second together now. I think it's because he marked me. Oh! Right! Alek marked me when we woke up the next morning at the hotel after our night of pleasure. I remember it like it was yesterday. Although, it was only about two weeks ago.

"...Wake up Marley." I heard Alek mumble. I felt light kisses being placed on my neck. My eyes fluttered open. Alek's face was hovering right in front of mine. "Goodmorning muffin." I said lazily. He didn't reply, just went back to kissing my neck.

"I wanna mark you." Alek whispered. He said it so quietly only a werewolf would be able to hear him. Was he scared I wouldn't let him? Aw. How cute.

Reaching up, I rested both of my hands on his cheeks, turning his face to look at me. "You don't have to be nervous muffin." I tisked. "I would love for you to mark me right now." I smiled.

Alek looked up at me with a worried expression on his face. "Don't feel like you have to do this. I've taken you out of your comfort zone enough as it is I want you to be okay with th-" Alek rambled on, diverting his eyes to a pillow resting beside my head. "Muffin. Look at me. I want this, okay? If I was uncomfortable with anything we did, which I wasn't, I wouldn't have let you do it. You asked me if I trusted you, and I told you I do. I wasn't lying."

Alek blushed lightly before nodding his head. His mouth was back on my neck, but more fierce this time.

His tongue trailed around my neck, looking for my sweet spot. When his tongue glided over a certain part of my neck, I moaned loudly. He smirked against my skin, before he brought his teeth across the same spot. Alek placed about ten pecks on the spot, before sinking his teeth into me.

Whoever said getting marked was the best feeling ever needs to be imprisoned for telling such a lie. This hurt like shiiiiiiiit! Scratch that. This WAS by far the BEST feeling EVER! His tongue licked across the mark, bringing me the greatest pleasure I ever felt. "I love you." I moaned out.

Just thinking about that day got me happy. I wish he could take the mark away, then remark me so I would be able to experience that bliss again. "Ah." I sighed happily.

I was currently taking a stroll through the woods, which I was told strictly not to by Alek. But wait! Before you call me one of those stupid girls who goes wondering off into dangerous places, looking to get hurt, I'm safe. I brought two warriors along with me, who are equipped with two guns, EACH!

I would rather be spending my time with Alek, but he has 'alpha business' like he does everyday at 2:00-4:00. I blame Colton for that one. He always wants Alek to host some type of meeting, or go over some paperwork with him. I might just have to dispose of him one of these days. I miss my muffin.

"Luna. I think we need to be heading back! I smell rogues." One warrior, Tango, said.

I sniffed the air, and he was right, rogues were definitely somewhere close.
"Okay guys, let's roll." I turned around expecting to see the two warriors turning to walk away. Instead, they lay on the ground. I walked over to Tango, feeling for a pulse. What the hell?

They're dead.

I looked around for any sign of someone else out here. Rest in peace Tango and Carl, but I've gotta save my own butt for now. I jumped up ready to shift, but was quickly pulled into a hard chest. A rotten smelling hand covered my mouth. I tried to scream, and kick.

The person holding me kneed me in the back, then put a cloth up to my mouth. The woods got blurry, before they went black.


"Strengthening parol won't change anything. The rogues will still find a way in." I yelled at the group of men surrounding me.

These idiots thought putting some lousy guards on the border would stop the rogue attack. They're coming no mater what we do. I'm trying to explain why we need to start training back up, to be prepared. Because this war is inevitable.

"Listen here you little shits. I'm the fucking alpha. My mate is in danger, and I'm going to protect her. So either you get your sorry asses to training, which starts tomorrow morning, or you can get the fuck out of my pack." I growled in my alpha voice.

All heads dropped, "yes alpha," was heard all around the room.

I hate having to make outburst like that with my men, but I'm not going to sit back and be unprepared. I have to protect Marley before anything else.

I felt a sharp pin in my back. Marley's pain. I instantly tried to mind link her to see where she was. She probably tripped and fell or something. But, the mind link wouldn't work! What the hell is going on?

I stormed around the house looking for her. I tried to mind link the Warriors I sent to be with her everywhere, when I couldn't be with her. But their links were cut off. So either they were dead, or they've cut our link for good on their own.

I'm officially pissed the fuck off. Where the hell is my mate? I ran outside trying to follow her scent to the woods.

A letter was taped to a tree.

"Hey son! It's daddy(: I miss you SO much. Probably even more than you miss your mate right now.
Oh yeah! You're mate. She's absolutely adorable when she sleeps, or maybe she's dead? I don't know. Anyway, she's too cute to let wander around on her own with two weak guards. Bad move son, and you say I was a bad alpha! Haha. Hopefully we'll see you soon, we'll be waiting."
Love, Daddy.

Steam was probably coming out of my ears at this point. As soon as I find that motherfucker, I'm gonna rip his chest open, reach my hand in, and yank out his heart, and anything else I can get my hands on. He's gonna regret ever touching my mate.

Yeah, I'm glad you're waiting on me 'daddy,' cause I'm coming for you.

My Alpha Mate,  I Call Muffin. (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now