Chapter 21

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(A/N: Reached 600 votes!(: btw the Warriors won the finals so I thought I'd write a chapter lol!!)


"Marley! We're going to miss our flight!" I yelled upstairs. Blake and Tanya had already left thirty minutes ago. Marley decided to wait to pack until an hour before we were suppose to leave.

Footsteps pounded down the stairs. "Comi-" Marley started but tripped the rest of the way down the stairs, with both her suitcases in her hand.

Picking her up bridal style, I checked for any bruises. "You okay baby? You fell pretty hard." Marley shook her head no, pouting. "Aw, tell me where it hurts honey." Marley pointed to her knee. "Want me to kiss it better?" I cooed. Marley nodded, leaning her head on my chest. I placed a bunch of kisses on Marley's knee, until she started giggling. I pecked her lips smiling, "let's go. That's if you're okay to walk." Marley laughed, nodding her head.



"It's so pretty here!" I yelled in Alek's ear for the twentieth time.

We just got to our hotel in Hawaii. Tanya says she was ready to hit the beach already, and I totally agreed.

"Everybody meet me at the beach! I have my suit on already. Hurry up!" Tanya yelled, running out of her hotel room, after setting her bags down.

Walking into our room, I was completely amazed. "Wow. It's so big muffin." I said in awe. Alek smirked, "So you've told me a time or two." He said. I reached back to smack his head, "You are very in inappropriate!" I yelled, but ended up laughing.

"Hey which bag did I put my swim suits in?" I asked Alek, opening one of my suitcases. "Uh their in my bag."

"Why are MY swimsuits in YOUR bag?"

"Because I put them in their to check how much they would cover up. I just never got the chance to because we were running late." Alek explained.

I giggled, "so protective." I tsked, taking a suit into the bathroom.

I chose a black bikini with gold linings. Walking back into the room, I went to throw on some shorts.

Alek had me up against the wall before I even reached my bag. "I don't want you out there in that. Let's stay in the room, we can do other things anyway." Alek said, his eyes going dark. I felt uncomfortable under his lustful gaze.

"Aw muffin. It's a bikini, it's not like I want to wear it, I just don't want bad tan lines. So think of it as a necessity." I said, rubbing the side of his face. Alek closed his eyes sighing, "one look." He said.

I know what he meant. We've went through this time and time again. He means if one person of the male species looks at me, to tell him, and we will exit the beach. Right after Alek tackles the unlucky man down, then inflicting pain upon him.

"Okay babe just come on!" I whined, pulling him along.


Sitting on the beach, drenched in salt water, I was having a good time. Alek is stretched out to my left, with shades on, on his back.

"You look really sexy muffin." I flirted. Alek pulled his sunglasses up. "Thank you gorgeous. You look beyond sexy." He said back, smirking. He was already moving to kiss me, but was interrupted by Tanya who sat to my right. "Oh come on! None of that nasty shit while we're here. You guys can do that in your room tonight. Just gross." Tanya complained.

"Don't be a debby downer. There's so many hot guys here, snag you one." I laughed.

Alek growled. "Why are you looking at them anyway?"

"Aw don't be jealous muffin, I only have eyes for you." I cooed, running my hands through his hair. He sighed happily, lying his head into my lap.

"Okay. Thanks guys. I'm done here. You coming with me Blake?" Tanya asked, standing up. Blake nodded, "I agree with you. They're disgusting."

"I love you guys, don't leave!" I yelled, but they were already waking off.

"Their just jealous cause we're cute baby." Alek said, his head still in my lap.

"So I have a date planned for us tonight. We're going out to dinner."

"Really muffin? That'll be nice. I love you." I smiled. "I guess I deserve a kiss or something right?" Alek mumbled. "Yeah I guess you do." I bent my head down, kissing him.


"Did I tell you that you look absolutely gorgeous?" Alek asked, pulling out my chair.

I blushed. "You're going to give me a big head." I laughed. Alek looked up from his menu smirking. "Don't even." I said, stopping him from saying his perverted joke.

A man came over to our table. "Hi I'm Mark, I'll be your waiter today." Mark said, eyeing up Alek.

"You order first baby." Alek smiled.

After I told Mark my order, he quickly turned to Alek. "And what can I get for you big guy." He said, rubbing Alek's arm.

Is he flirting with my man?

Alek told him his order, but mark was still here! "I've never seen you come in here. You visiting?" Mark asked, sliding his pen down Alek's arm. "Okay. I think we've had enough. Get away from muffin, and go get our food." I growled out.

Can't he see that my baby is taken? Like really? I might report him to the manager.

Mark scoffed, stomping off.

"Aw was somebody jealous!" Alek said. "Shut up Alek." I said, rolling my eyes. "Don't be sad baby. I think it's hot when you're jealous." He smiled.

"Do you think I should report Mark to the manager?" I asked.

Before Alek could reply, Mark came back with drinks. "Here." He grumbled, setting the drinks down.

Is he seriously mad I that wouldn't let him flirt with my man? I mean come on Mark, you ain't even that cute. Alek is so out of his league.


After dinner, Alek took me to the beach for a stroll. "I had a great time tonight muffin." I smiled, looking up at him.

"I'm glad baby, me too."

We sat down beside the water. He pulled me to sit between his legs, resting my back on his chest. "Look baby, this seashell is so extravagant." Alek said, handing me a beautiful seashell.

Something fell out of the seashell though. A ring? Alek got up onto his knee, grabbing the ring from me.

Oh my gosh.

I started crying. I'm such a baby.

Alek laughed at me. "Don't cry." He smiled. He cleared his throat before talking. "Marley, you're everything I could've wanted in a mate. You make me the happiest man on earth. I wouldn't trade you for anything. You came into my life and gave me some feeling. I used to be so caught up in my work. But you changed that. I smile so much more now. You're so beautiful, funny and caring. I really don't deserve you. But even with that in mind, I would still like to ask you to be my wife. So, Marley, baby, will you marry me?"

I started sobbing, nodding my head yes. "Yes, yes." I cried out, reaching my hand out. Alek slipped the ring on my finger, pulling me in for a kiss.

We made out on the beach for about ten minutes. "Let's take this back to the room." Alek said, huskily.

And I think you know what happened there.

My Alpha Mate,  I Call Muffin. (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now